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Everything posted by dappadan95

  1. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/43155784654/ivan-is-back-the-last-two-weeks-have-gone
  2. Whats the deal about the avatar?
  3. dappadan95

    Infection Episode 2 is LIVE

    Love the style!!!!
  4. dappadan95

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    I KOS because im sick of people killing me on sight!
  5. dappadan95

    Were can i find a humve

    And the point of that post was?
  6. dappadan95

    Were can i find a humve

    I would like this to be true :)
  7. dappadan95

    Were can i find a humve

    I heard it spawns at stary sobor
  8. dappadan95

    Food takes time to digest

    I belive the time it takes to need more food after eating and drinking at the minute is ridiculas
  9. So there are Red dots next to servers and when I try to join my regular server is comes up with a massive message with a list of files, HELP! Also I have have tried re-installing the mod and updating to latest beta patch etc
  10. MOST of our crashes are down too server issue's such as lag, desync etc etc.....
  11. There is a thing called a torch you should try it some time!
  12. dappadan95

    Night time

    I think it should made so that admins cant change the time zone so players are forced to MAN up and play at nighttime! It really winds me up when people play a survival game but as soon as the sun goes down they all moan and moan, those people would never survive in a real survival situation!
  13. dappadan95

    Night time

    Yeah the new music is even scarier, :P I installed an update and had the music disabled before but the update turned it back on and it scared the crap outa me lol
  14. dappadan95

    Suggestion (Blood Trails when bleeding)

    love the idea!
  15. Is everyone that plays on this server afraid of the dark? (With the exeption of a few)