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Everything posted by WarpNinja

  1. WarpNinja

    How to Stop Pointless Killing

    stop QQ'ing and play the game. read the signature
  2. WarpNinja

    The Return of Starting With a Weapon

    knowing where to find things, even without starting with a gun you are almost certain to come across one within the first 15 minutes of playing so, why would you need to start with one if you're going to find one right away? also you missed the key point and reason to not spawn with a gun, the relative difficulty involved in surviving without one, that being said what i said earlier should also be taken into account, imo it is far too easy to find guns, you can find one in just about any loot spawn so why would you want to start with one? to stay comfortable for 15 minutes at the beginning of the game? which is (for me) the most exciting part of the game
  3. lots of people doing this would eventually bring us back to the makarov wars of old, we really dont need that happening again
  4. there has been ideas for the helicopters to be visibly crashing before, and as mentioned on these occasions there would be a lot of coding involved with having actual crashing helicopters, this idea sounds good if you had like a repeating distress signal from the chopper crash, on the note of visible crashing choppers, i think you'll atleast have to wait for standalone, and even then i think the chances are slim for it to be implemented
  5. i was posting in a bug report earlier and it got me thinking, is it a good idea to be able to find bullets, then fill magazines with said bullets? i think this might go a ways to solve the problem of the resetting magazines on login thoughts please
  6. you i think woul be one of the few who hasnt had it happen, happens all the time with me and my friends
  7. WarpNinja

    Magazine refilling on login

    the under half full mags no longer disappear but yes i agree with you that the ammo count should not be resetting on login, as said before in the thread all that has to be done when low on ammo is dc and reconnect, im not sure how this would be acheived unless you were to rename the item to represent how many shots are left.
  8. WarpNinja

    How is this fun?

  9. WarpNinja

    How is this fun?
