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Everything posted by XSYST (DayZ)

  1. Hello DayZ Development Team, hello community, I have a suggestion which could fix a lot of trouble in our beloved dayz mod. First I have to inform you how I get those Infos. As I was a former Multiplayergamecheater (Yes, i was, screw me I was weak and dumb) I have lots of accounts on those platforms which sell cheats for several games, interested as I am, I monitor many threads about Arma2/DayZ. The cheats they offer to other peoples/assholes have all the same bugs and features. Features are like following ESPs (Tent, Vehicle, Zombie, Players, Item) which means they can see everything throughout the hole map, hiding your gear is almost not possible. But there is a bug, which is known by the coders, but it seems it is NOT possible to fix this, since its known by the release of the hacks. If a player goes unconscious he WILL dissappear from the esp screen, which means that the hacker will not see your position again. My idea is, that EVERY player who connects to a gameserver goes unconscious while the "Setup completed" screen flashes. Its enough if you are 1 second unconscious. Since then no hacker can see your position, he can still locate your tents, cars and shit but he cant relocate you, so you are able to assrape the little idiot, but only he is not a scriptkiddie with godmode on. Other hackers with the simple esp, can still get killed by that. My question to the developers is, IS it possible to make every newconnecter unconscious for just a really small amount of time? And is the community okay with such an Idea? I already contactet rocket on facebook and the development team via twitter but i guess you dont have time to read those messages. Greetings from Germany.
  2. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    no, of course you are not supposed to believe me that i stoped hacking. 1. why should i make a post against hacking, if am a hacker myself? 2. even if i am still hacking (which i am obv not), its still worth a try, seriously, the coders werent able to fix that bug since 3 month.
  3. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    @b1scuits as you can read i already said that i WAS a former hacker, i am not using onlinecheats since 2009, and i am not a kid, 25years old wise man buddy
  4. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    Here a few posts from those hacking forums: Pro Tip: players that gets knocked out disappears from the ESP Tested and confirmed -- Credits Account Join Date: Jul 2012 Posts: 53(83320) Rep Power: 1 Re: Pro Tip: players that gets knocked out disappears from the ESP Ain't it obvious what the tip is. If u wanna be invisible for other peoples ESP. U should run around unconcious! That's the only reason I can think of that would make this a pro tip. --- Originally Posted by Keel They're unconscious, so you probably haven't got much to worry about. If it really bothers you that much you could always revive them with an epi-pen. thing is, when they get back up they don't reappear on the ESP. --- Credits Account Join Date: Jul 2012 Posts: 22(83320) Rep Power: 0 Re: Minor player ESP glitch This happened to me today, I was chasing 2 guys and got 1 of them, but the other guy had disappeared! I assumed he disconnected, but he was around the corner and got me -__-;; Anyone find a fix to this? Tried resetting everything. they post that SINCE may! this are 3 month and they could NOT fix the problem. we could have a chance here...
  5. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    @Stings2pee The problem of those hacks, which are all script based, is that you can't handle them with BE. its not possible, period. be bans many players for scripting but they dont give a fuck since the game does not cost much. The Arma2 engine is too exploitable, as unreal tournamend back in the years because its main focus set target for single player. BE is not worse then vac2 or punkbuster, the game is too cheap so hackers dont give a shit when they get banned. Most of the hackers can buy a new key every 2 weeks. The private hacks which are well coded, well i didnt see them i dont know how the ban status is for them, i guess they wont get banned ever because they use the ring0 technoligy. My opinion is that we at least could try it as i said many times. Even if it is only works for a couple of days, it just says that there is always a way to fight back.
  6. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    I dont have any arguements, I just wrote down an idea which could help us, if it fails, well fuck then we at least tried it. I wouldnt post that if I am not serious about it, the pages on those hacking forums are filled with threads where other players report that esp-bug, since the hack-coders dont give a single solution or bugfix, i GUESS its hard for them to fix it, otherwise they would obviously fix it.
  7. XSYST (DayZ)

    Prevent Wallhacking (ESP) against players

    okay dudes, i understand your mentions but just listen to me since you go unconscious, the hacks think, "person is dead" period. and since that bug is known by the very start of those hacks i GUESS its not sooo easy to fix, at least it could be a try, if it fails, well, we had a few hours of playing without player esp. what are you scared of and oppa, even if I got banned (which i am clearly not since im not hacking in dayz) whats the matter? its an idea which could help all of us
  8. XSYST (DayZ)

    I`m a goat (bug)

    damn son, i feel really sorry for you. do you know where you are? i could search you and kill you and then you are out of your misery...pm me and i will do it promptly... that was one of the MAIN issues why the respawn button should not have been removed, but our fuhrer rocket thaugt that this is a good idea. at the moment with the current immense hacking issue its just the mist stupid moronic idea to have, the hackers just teleport you to the debug forest for the lulz, you cant kill yourself and have to wait for hours to die of starvation or something like that. the best is that the admin staff from the game doesnt even give a shit, they are all like "hey look at these morons in the boards complaining about our fixes trololo" rocket, PLS dont pull a notch and give us one of the most entertaining game and then just drop it. as long as we have the immense hacker problem (arma2 & be is exploitable as fuck) u have to bring back the respawn button!! even if battle eye constantly bans players, they just buy another cd key and do the same shit again because the game is not expensive, they dont give a fuck being banned, they rinse and repeat it.
  9. Hallo an alle deutschsprechenden Day Z Zocker. (This Topic is directed to all germanspeaking Day Z gamers, so pls don't flame because we are talking german in here or sth else.) Wir sind aktuell ein kleiner Squad aus 4 Mitgliedern die sich aus dem RL kennen. Da man zu viert aber noch keine Bäume rausreissen kann haben wir uns beschlossen ein paar weitere Leute zu suchen und auch aufzunehmen. Wir befinden uns alle so im ziemlich selben Altersradius von 22-26 Jahren und sind aufgrund von Arbeit meist am Wochenende tätig, unter der Woche meist erst ab 18 Uhr. Da wir aktuell nur zu 4. sind besitzen wir noch keine Homepage, dies soll aber folgen sobald wird mehr sind. Teamspeak ist vorhanden. Wer wir sind und was wir tun: Das Team würde sich "unfriendly Bastards" schimpfen, Kürzel uNf][xxxx. Wie man aus dem Namen entnehmen kann ist unser Hauptaugenmerk PVP, jedoch nicht gegen unbewaffnete Anfänger, sondern eher in Gegenden wie die Gebiete rund um Stary etc. Derzeit sind wir noch "frisch" im Spiel und haben ca 3-4 Wochen Spielerfahrung. Falls ihr Interesse haben solltet o.ä. schreibt mir einfach eine PN / via ICQ / STEAM. Für weitere allgemeine Fragen könnt ihr natürlich auch hier posten. MFG ICQ: 228079893 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/berufzkilla-
  10. Hallo an alle deutschsprechenden Day Z Zocker. (This Topic is directed to all germanspeaking Day Z gamers, so pls don't flame because we are talking german in here or sth else.) Wir sind aktuell ein kleiner Squad aus 4 Mitgliedern die sich aus dem RL kennen. Da man zu viert aber noch keine Bäume rausreissen kann haben wir uns beschlossen ein paar weitere Leute zu suchen und auch aufzunehmen. Wir befinden uns alle so im ziemlich selben Altersradius von 22-26 Jahren und sind aufgrund von Arbeit meist am Wochenende tätig, unter der Woche meist erst ab 18 Uhr. Da wir aktuell nur zu 4. sind besitzen wir noch keine Homepage, dies soll aber folgen sobald wird mehr sind. Teamspeak ist vorhanden. Wer wir sind und was wir tun: Das Team würde sich "unfriendly Bastards" schimpfen, Kürzel uNf][xxxx. Wie man aus dem Namen entnehmen kann ist unser Hauptaugenmerk PVP, jedoch nicht gegen unbewaffnete Anfänger, sondern eher in Gegenden wie die Gebiete rund um Stary etc. Derzeit sind wir noch "frisch" im Spiel und haben ca 3-4 Wochen Spielerfahrung. Falls ihr Interesse haben solltet o.ä. schreibt mir einfach eine PN / via ICQ / STEAM. Für weitere allgemeine Fragen könnt ihr natürlich auch hier posten. MFG ICQ: 228079893 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/berufzkilla-