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About D3s_ToD3s

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    On the Coast
  1. D3s_ToD3s

    [Do you wana pull the Trigger?] [y]/[n]

    Just forget about it. was pure stupidity of me. Herp derp. People would think about stuff Thats whats going on in my crazy mind. But yes. Dont bother about me. Play your deathmatch.
  2. D3s_ToD3s

    [Do you wana pull the Trigger?] [y]/[n]

    And nothing would hold you back, except the question for half a sec. But my intention was to reduce the KoS. Not to extinguish the PvP. If you read my first artickle you would notice that ive said "Respawned people can still kill each other. "Bandits" can do theyr thing". I want the players to think about what theyre going to do. Players, atm, are hardwired to shoot every humanoid-shaped target they see. Thats years of practice in all the shooters you can immagine (maybe not Portal). From my perspective, thats the root of all horrible stuff going on right now. Nobody thinks even once. (Not talking bout the Psychopaths and the Bandits but those who started a new round) Everybody just sees SCORE!!! Its no decision to pull the trigger on reflex and end the (virtual) live of a human (respective: player).
  3. Why it should not be implemented: Cuz its basicaly teabagging those who get killed. If any. The song should annoy the Killer. Not the person who has died. Eccept if you get gangraped by a bunch of Zeds. That way it would be ok.
  4. D3s_ToD3s

    [Do you wana pull the Trigger?] [y]/[n]

    Im not a programmer. Im a guy, who has some ideas. The solution to the scenarios you've showed of would be as following: If a player shoots a person in selfdefense (aka getting shot first) the Question doesnt come up. If a player build up the "Paragon"-Points and than shoots a player (not in selfedefense but intentional) the Points go to zero. And remember: My idea was: Bandits dont get the Popup. Also Re-Spawned people who aim at Paragons. Paragons get it, if they aim at Re-Spawned Players and have not to defend themselves (And by aim i mean Click on them) Ofcourse it would be easy to acquire 1 or 2 points so i think the status should be given at a minimum of 5 points or even higher.
  5. D3s_ToD3s

    [Do you wana pull the Trigger?] [y]/[n]

    call it what you want, call it "The Good guy Points" or "Points for not ruining other players games" or the hell i dont know. Its irrelevant cuz the players shouldnt even be able to read these parameters. so call it Parameter 15k.dope and 1.5k.derp. /re:1: Whers the problem with that? Arent you human? I, at least, am. In my thaught-process there was the point... The players dont think about shooting. other people(respective: players) ingame. But why? Cuz most of them are hardwired to pew pew pew theyre way through cliched supersoliders. In such a scenario you dont have to think about that. But in DayZ the players life counts actually. But nobody cares. Just BANG! Dead. Next. Thers no thoughtprocess before killing innocent people (respective: players). Thats my solution to force a second of thinking about ending a humans (respective: player) life. /re:2: i get that. But i refuse to go that way. People are much more sensitive to other people than the Game could deliver. If thers a human being, that hasnt killing in mind, you can read it in that persons face. Also the psychopaths, that run arround killing spree. You can see it in the peoples eyes. If you accept killing the guy in front of you and pull the trigger, next time it would be easier to do that. And at some point there isnt the question anymore. /re:3: read 1&2+ My intension is, to force a thoughtprocess, that players dont have. The polygonal person on screen is automaticaly marked as a target, cuz this is a game. Noone thinks about that. (btw: english isnt my native language so dont kill me for bad wording. I try verry hard) You're right. Arma is a Military-Sim. But. DayZ is a "What would you do, if the world goes through the toilet"-scenario and, from my perspective, thats not there. Atm its a hardcore Deathmatch with no excuses. Thats halfway fine. But noone has any ethic-thoughtprocesses while playing a game.
  6. So i thought about the KoS-Thing. (Hate it so much) I know, there are Stats for PKing. So why's there no Stat for Paragon-ing? Doesnt have to be complex. Just give players 1p for half an hour of playtime without kiling (or an hour or whatever) and after that ther comes my idea in place. Im pretty sure it is possible to make the game check if you aim at a person whos a paragon or a (so called) bandit. If so, AND you aim at a Paragon AND you arent a Bandit AND you klick on him, make a Popup that asks you friendly about your decission. That way: Respawned people can still kill each other. "Bandits" can do theyr thing. BUT the Respawned people can make a decission before they do horrible things to harmless players, just because they dont know if the player is a friend or foe. The Re-Players would that way decide what way theyre going to choose. Im sure there are enough players, who're sick of getting killed by strangers who kill in panic of getting self killed while there isnt realy a threat. So let me read your responses to that. But be friendly and konstructive. No Carebare/CoD-kiddy stuff please cuz thats just stupid -_-
  7. D3s_ToD3s

    Reward for knocking out a player.

    Would prefer this than dieing so freakin often cuz of KoS -_- At least i would survive this way. And i have an idea: Do the Blowpipe-Thing. Ya know? Invent that modern technology of pipes made of somethin (like a plastic-pipe found on industryspawns) and combine it with an amount of injektors, filled with sedativa found in the hospitals.
  8. D3s_ToD3s


    besides the sillines of the last suggestions. I think a beard for long-time-survivors would be a funny detail (btw you can have a beard by changing your loadout face at "main Menu > Player Profile > Edit) The dark side would be: You could paint a bullseye on your face for having a beard cuz thos, who call themselves bandits, those who i call psychotics, would love to end the streak of such a person. If someone would suggest that you cann cut them off with the knife and hold them in your inventory than thats the scalping-thing for advanced players.