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Everything posted by diazath

  1. diazath

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    This is just a normal ban made by a admin every admin ban looks like this and no they dont want to make us think its a global ban Because if Battle Eye ban's you you can see something like GlobalBan
  2. I just love the feeling when you see a group of player having some fun and then you just kill them all. Love to play with the as50 or m107
  3. Hey guys just today me and my friend where playing. And he got hit by a zombie and got unconsious so i gave him epiphremin and then he throw a nade because of a bug i mean we 2 died just because of this buggy thing. We lost 1 dmr 1 m4a4 1 cz550 1 fn fal nv and coyote backpack and alice backpack
  4. diazath

    After Shock player throw a nade

    Ehm what bug the whole mod is more a bug then anything else so what should i report the mod?
  5. diazath


    WTF is that i am on a server with more than 500 fucking zombies and not a single one is at Stary Sobor this sucks i though i am playing a zombie game. :@:@:@:@:@:@
  6. diazath


    I think it was a server error because i just spawned in novy sobor after someone killed me. But hey i dont care about it this is just a troll thread TROLOLOLO And yea but i still dont like it that there are only zombies in the city's and town's thats kinda boring xD they should be everywhere :D
  7. diazath


  8. diazath


    Nope i was in Novy sobor and just went to stary and there was not a freaking zombie this sucks xD