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About diazath

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. diazath

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    This is just a normal ban made by a admin every admin ban looks like this and no they dont want to make us think its a global ban Because if Battle Eye ban's you you can see something like GlobalBan
  2. I just love the feeling when you see a group of player having some fun and then you just kill them all. Love to play with the as50 or m107
  3. diazath

    After Shock player throw a nade

    Ehm what bug the whole mod is more a bug then anything else so what should i report the mod?
  4. Hey guys just today me and my friend where playing. And he got hit by a zombie and got unconsious so i gave him epiphremin and then he throw a nade because of a bug i mean we 2 died just because of this buggy thing. We lost 1 dmr 1 m4a4 1 cz550 1 fn fal nv and coyote backpack and alice backpack
  5. diazath


    I think it was a server error because i just spawned in novy sobor after someone killed me. But hey i dont care about it this is just a troll thread TROLOLOLO And yea but i still dont like it that there are only zombies in the city's and town's thats kinda boring xD they should be everywhere :D
  6. diazath


  7. diazath


    Nope i was in Novy sobor and just went to stary and there was not a freaking zombie this sucks xD
  8. diazath


    WTF is that i am on a server with more than 500 fucking zombies and not a single one is at Stary Sobor this sucks i though i am playing a zombie game. :@:@:@:@:@:@