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About lkoopmann@gmx.net

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    did whe see the same video oO?
  2. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    problem is the tone in which you guys are talking. fucking pricks are really proud of what they do. scumback
  3. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    if they want to do it let them. sooner or later they will get dealed with. hey how about that: you let me know which server you´re doing that and i pop you guys :) oh wait server hopper. pricks
  4. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Keep track of your tents/vehicles more easily!

    where is the backdoor so you can farm up on these camps :)?
  5. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Fix disappearing corpses!!!

    how about you stop using the respawn button so the server isnt filled up with corpses so the killed in combat corpses stay :)=? good that this is fixed with or part fixed
  6. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    NL 4 - Why are people so stupid

    duped for sure. it simply too easy. dont need scripts for that
  7. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    A Story in Elecktro (Warning: Very Long)

    you are the bandits you do recognize that?
  8. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Worst Game Experience ever

    As i said EVERY hit from a Zombie adds some + to a fixed Value which starts by zero and ends with 1 (chance to brake your leg with every incoming hit). So if you got hit the night before. it counts. so when you logged in you probably where near the 1.0 mark and the zombie had luck on his chance to brake your leg. the value ONLY resets when you use morphine and gets back to zero. before the last patch which changed the damage value a zombie can inflict to your bones (also the chance of braking your leg when you are at 1.0) the dmg to your bones was ~0,025 (just guessing didnt wright down the numbers as i where checking my private database and observing that dmg.
  9. ah ok :) wunderte mich schon. sagt mal. sucht ihr noch leute? mir gefällt eure art einfach. wenn ich an die leute denk mit denen ich spielen muss :X bei euch geht das so schön ruhig und zivilisiert ab..
  10. was mich wundert. wo kommt auf einmal die 2te as50 her :)?
  11. is the ghillie still in? i´d like to trade my AS50 for your ghilli. nothing else because i got gps/nvg. /pm me we will find a place and time. i have to say im german but i dont have any problem coming into your teamspeak and talk to you while we meet up and trade. /pm me
  12. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Worst Game Experience ever

    that´s not quite right. Every hit from a Zombie counts on a value from 0-1 if you hit 1 you have a chance to brake your leg with every single hit you take form then on. since the damage and the probability that a zombie can brake your leg got reduced it´s not that of a issue anymore. he must have done something stupid or got bugged in a doorway a rock or what else bugs.
  13. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Worst Game Experience ever

    oh yeah you could? think again... a real fucking apocalypse in anyway will shut down satellites. thought about who runs them? who maintains them? and so on? See? THAT is what im talking about.
  14. lkoopmann@gmx.net

    Worst Game Experience ever

    whats this War-Z everyone is talking about? Oh yeah, it´s the WoW meets DayZ BS that´s coming out right? Trust me. It will be nothing like DayZ because DayZ is not a fucked up game that shoves all kind of false "great moments" down your throat via kewl Items, Achievements,"Safezones", Itemspirals or other Bullshit which ruined the Game Industry. And exactly THAT is what made DayZ the reputation. It is outstanding in it´s Idea´s and Gameplay and i doubt anyone will bring out something even close to it because all they see this days is $$ and frustration does not sell. Besides: I hate where our Society is going and reflects in Games that are been brought on the market. "I need to get every cool stuff as soon as it is out. And of cause without much effort. I bought the new IPOD today. Hey they are releasing a new one tomorrow I NEED IT!!!!1111" fuck off ....