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About Gorondar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gorondar

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    ok, thanks anyway! Hope somebody else can hel me and read my post... but there is already google...maybe i can find something at my own! Update: i start it with the Six Luncher and is seems good, the game starts it join the server and i get the message "waiting for character to create" what could that mean? JUST WANNA PLAY T.T
  2. Gorondar

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    there is no ok button. its just a black screen, with a loading bar and the text "loading". If i try to take a screenshot i just get blackscreen -.-" nothing to ush, hit or anything else...just loading and gamesounds.
  3. Gorondar

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    I started the games normal before, yep. But i didnt try the six luncher. And i just treid out to join another server, and after loadingscreen to join is got an error message "no entry bin\config.bin/Cfgweapons.bin.'." So What? o.O
  4. Gorondar

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    waited till i wrote this Post, should be round about 20-25min got the same Prob Yesterday, so i reinstalled the whole game
  5. Hi there, My game freezes in loadingscreen. Is this Problem solvable? Need quick Help plz, wanna play this awesome mod >.< Edit: Just found the post "**PLEASE FILL OUT BEFORE MAKING A THREAD**" let me start: I use Arma2 CO on Steam and also try to start it with steam. my Problem is, if i start a game, it will connect, start the game and join it. But then i see a black screen with a loading bar and nothing will happen. i can hear some Gamesound but nothing else. dont have an screenshot sorry ;( My PC Secs should be good enough: Windows 7 64bit Home Intel Core I-7 2.20GHz Quad 8GB RAM Nvidia 540M its an Laptop but dont think this is a Problem. i hope i get quick and good help i rly rly wanna play this mod ;) And sorry for bad english, im German and dont speak english as often :P
  6. Hi there, My game freezes in loadingscreen. Is this Problem solvable? Need quick Help plz, wanna play this awesome mod >.< WTF!! Sorry wrong Forum to Post o.O