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Everything posted by Foxtail

  1. Foxtail

    Item Tetris is it worth it ?

    This. Also beans have been hiven.
  2. Foxtail

    Gun Straps

    Yes sir! The arma2 engine is trying to be realistic and fails at the lack of gunstraps! Instead it uses magic! Craftable or not. Already at every gun or not. I dont care. Just give me gunstraps! +1 for gunstraps
  3. Foxtail

    Gamma changing based on what you look at

    I did, and everytime its annoying as fuck because i cant controll it. The games enginge simulates the eye adjusting to the light that hits it. But it is doing it wrong. While the game adjusts the whole screen (the same as your digicam), your eye adjusts specific parts of your view (like when you look at your monitor in a dark room for a while and you turn it off, you'll see a brighter rectangle in the middle of your view). The game is trying to be realistic and failing at it. This "feature" is really annoying and should be totally not in any game at all (as it is now).
  4. Foxtail

    Gamma changing based on what you look at

    I experienced this effect alot! Mostly when i was walking through a light forest at daytime. While looking naturaly straight forward (so that i see the ground and the sky, with the crosshair on the horizon) the trees and ground would go completely dark and the sky and the landscape outside of the forest would be perfectly visible. I had to look down - so that the horizon (like the end of the forest) is not visible anymore - to see the ground and threes being lighted correctly again. But then i couldnt see properly where i was walking to. This also happens for example at dawn, when the sky is lit in purple and the landscape seems to be very dark - but when you look down (so you dont see the horizon) the landscape will be lighted like at daytime. I would be very glad if that effect would be deaktivated or something.
  5. Usually when i find a weapon theres some ammo for it around in the same building. But this is not always the case.
  6. Foxtail

    Server Hopping

    nope. server hopping is, when you go to the barracks in nw airfield and then join another server and loot it there too and then join another server and so on.
  7. Foxtail

    Notes from NPCs and PCs

    good idea
  8. Foxtail

    Aiming problems.

    nope, its not mouf smosing. its aiming deadzone or whatever it was called. edit: damnt too late xD
  9. And DayzCommander has waaay better options than sixlauncher like starting with steam and it has filtering options like no crosshair.
  10. GOD! I really dont understand why people keep using the mousewheel function to pickup/use stuff. That function is absolutely bugged and should be avoided until it is fixed. How to avoid the disappearing bug? Use this very safe method: - never exchange weapons directly, the dropped weapon might desapppear for no reason. - Mouse over the item on the ground until the green item symbol appears. - Press G to enter the inventory. - drop the weapon manually on the ground via the left arrow button or doubleclicking the picture (ammo will be dropped automatically). - pick up the weapon of choice via the right arrow button or doubleclicking it (ammo will be picked up automatically). Make sure you never drop the weapon directly on the ground, especially inside buildings. Allways look for something thats already on the ground and drop it there to be safe. If there isnt really anything on the ground, drop something you may need the least like flares or chemlights. If it doesnt disappear, drop the weapon on top of it by using the above method. If it does disappear, dont drop anything else or it will disappear too! Drop it outside to be safe. [Edit] Hatchet and Flashlight might disappear too if equiped while exchanging directly with a weapon and exchanging again. Allways attach them to the toolbelt where they belong before equipping weapons.
  11. Foxtail

    Hit by lightning scared me rather hard. : D

    Sorry, but thunder/lightning is generated by the game, not by the server. I came to that conclusion last night when i was playing with a mate. As we were heading north, both looking at the same direction. We never saw the same lightning nor heared the same thunder. And no it was not delayed at all.
  12. sorry if i posted this in the wrong section Why does it take 4 shots to the body with a g17 to kill a Z? I ask that because a revolver or a 1911 kill a Z with only 1 shot to the body by doing 9 damage. So logicaly a g17 which does 5 damage should kill a Z with 2 shots, but it actually takes 4 shots to kill a Z. This makes no sense to me. http://dayzdb.com/database/g17 http://dayzdb.com/database/m1911 [final edit] I just want everyone stumbling upon this thread want to let to know about this comment on DayZDB So i think a Z has about 4000 blood. That would explain why you need 2 hits with a 8 damage weapon.
  13. Foxtail

    4 shots to kill a Z? [solved]

    Because its quiet hard for me to hit the head of a fast walking Z with that weapon. ;) So i would waste more bullets if i would try to hit the head...
  14. Foxtail

    4 shots to kill a Z? [solved]

    Well, sorry if i am wrong with the 4 shots. But it has been a while since i picked up a g17. This just came to my mind while reading the forum.
  15. Foxtail

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    why do people make war and kill each other to bring peace? both makes no sense to me
  16. Foxtail

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    *push* you have my beans!
  17. Foxtail

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    Yesterday i was about to gut a cow, it disappeared after 1 sec ...
  18. Same problem here. It happened to me a few days ago. I lost about 4h of gameplay including some rare guns :( because of a serverrestart. Apparently it only saves your progress when you log out.
  19. Foxtail

    Infected Aggro Radius

    As already said, it seems as this system is not working correctly. Because i think that it should not be possible to have more than 100 (%?) visibility.
  20. Foxtail

    sidearm/hatchet toolbelt swap

    Im also having trouble with switching between pistol and flashlight on nighttime. You can put your mainweapon (twohanded weapon) on your back and your sidearm in your holster. So why cant you just have them stay there, while holding a flashlight or a hatchet at the same time? This is really one of the most annoying things, especially at nighttimes. I hope this will get "fixed" very soon.
  21. Foxtail

    2 FPS !!!

    I experienced that this can be server related. I normaly have >40 fps but when i joined on that one server i had only 2 fps no matter what i did - very strange. I dont remember the name of the server, but have you tried joining another server? But if you have that problem in the arma2 singleplayer too, i cant help you.