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About Xeroph

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  1. Xeroph

    Need Some Teamates

    I'm decently geared, need blood bags though. Didn't help when I got shot while trying to break the hospital glass, so I have like.. 8.5K blood now, oh well. :P
  2. Xeroph

    Need Some Teamates

    I'm 14, Im willing to meet up somewhere. :o
  3. Xeroph

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    I can agree on certain points, like there being WAY TOO much PVP. I understand Arma is a military simulator, and this is a zombie apocalypse simulator, but there are some MAJOR flaws that the devs should take care of before adding some of the useless crap they are adding. For one, the game started out as a zombie survival game, but now zombies are just those things that piss you off when you have no weapon or spawn on you while looting some empty tin cans. That is not realistic, and in a zombie game, I don't recall zombies doing the fucking stanky leg juice drop hippy flip seizure dance while they try to attack you, its hard enough to shoot a zombie that spawned on the other side of the island running 80MPH at you, but now having a seizure as well, and teleporting at your face and running through walls, taking 2/3 of your body's blood in one swipe thats farther away from you then someone using commando and lagging on COD. Before adding stuff like car pieces and tin cans or people that can spawn over weight, out of shape and running out of breath, ( that is little stuff that should be added later ), focus on the bugs that are ruining the game, and the PVP. Atleast give us a starting weapon, a butter knife for craps sake? Our fists? KICKING? But no, you run for hours and find some empty cans and a window. Which you can't even use to shatter and use against the zombie. After running around for an hour, looting tin cans and useless car parts you will never use you may find a pistol or a hatchet and get killed by a bandit from across the map who has no intentions to use your supplies, he just does it for fun. (: The game isn't PVE anymore, its just PVP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now the community is falling too, now-a-days you make a small post about a suggestion, and no matter how short or long your post is, you get comments like "sneak and go in a house" "u r too loud" "avoid bandits, duh" or trolled in another way, which can have NOTHING to do with the subject. Or "obviously DayZ isn't for u" "play like splintercell" "be quieter (not a word?)" Fix the community, the zombies, and the game. THEN add fat people.
  4. Xeroph

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I choose not to take sides, but the DayZ community can be a bitch. When I was a noob and I was asking how to loose zombies (since everyone did it so easily) I was flamed by like, 30 people for saying posts like mine should be closed and this and that, so like.. 80% of the people above me fall in that category. Anywho.. The features you describe are what make the game a challenge, unique in its own DayZ way, which is why it takes everyone a while to adapt to the rough reality of DayZ. Also, you said zombies keep attacking you after you run to meet friends and such, NEVER run, unless your life depends on it. Sneaking, crawling or just laying down in a bush can help you lose or avoid zombies, which should solve alot of your problems. And I do agree, I wish their was a group/party system that aloud you to meet up with friends in a easier manner, instead of roaming the hole island in search of them.
  5. Xeroph

    DayZ stand-alone game?

    Look? Alot of people are new to this community ever since it hit big on YouTube, I was unaware that this had already been a big topic or 'cancer'. Either adapt to being a relatively good community member or you won't have any friends! :DKbye.
  6. Will DayZ every become a stand-alone game? I have heard that the Arma 2 devs were planning to help Rocket in the creation of a lone DayZ game, but I doubt its true. Is it even possible that one day DayZ could stand alone as its own game or maybe on steam? I would buy it the first few minutes it came out..
  7. Xeroph

    Spawn hack?

    Possibly, I would understand that, but I saw him go down. I saw the body fall on the ground, I could see it saying I could open his pack, his body then simply disapeared, and I got shot from behind.
  8. Xeroph

    Spawn hack?

    Possibly, I would understand that, but I saw him go down. I saw the body fall on the ground, I could see it saying I could open his pack, his body then simply disapeared, and I got shot from behind.
  9. Xeroph

    Spawn hack?

    I don't know how this happened, honestly. To cut it short, I was looting some cans of beans I found in a house, and I was being fired at through the window, so of course, I camped out untill my assaulter had the nerve to come in. So when he turned the corner in to the building, I shot him (and i swear by everything, killed him!!) so when I walked over to loot him, I realized it hadn't said that anyone had died recently, but I was staring at his body. Suddenly I got fired at from behind, and I died? Not sure how it happened, but I had a very low ping. I doubt it was lag or a desync, because he turned the corner perfectly and everything, I don't know. Oh, and it says I still don't have a murder? WTF.
  10. Xeroph


    Simple enough, I'm looking for a partner that has good ping in US servers, I'm not looking for a 20 year old, because obviously you wont appeal to a 14 year old, I'm just looking for a partner in my general location and age group. Pe me if you are interested. (I'm rusty with the controls.)
  11. Xeroph

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Me too, finally got some good stuff, after hours of walking around Cherno, I had a good supply of food and drinks to last me weeks, I had an Aks-74 and a makorav with like 4 clips, and was killed by a person who i had dropped a G17 to like a second ago. There isn't any friends, at first it was fun, a game having to survive the zombie apocalypse, but now its just running from every city, isolating yourself so you aren't killed by 'friendlies'. It's Not Dayz, its PvPz.
  12. Xeroph

    Totally new, just bought the game

    I'm new to this too, can I join? I understand the basics, and I'm pretty good at losing zombies, if I may say so myself. But I'm rusty with the Arma controls, and I have no idea how to get to a place to meet up or manuver around Chernaurus.
  13. Xeroph

    out running zombies?

    Zombies have lack of sight, obviously, so you if you can atleast lose them for a second through a building or a fence, lay low and go out of sight immediately. (Pay attention to the ear and eye GUI that represent how stealthy you are, or how loud you are being.) They will search that last position, so put a little bit of distance between you and the zombie(s) before you lay down, or you're a sitting duck. :D