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Soviet Hawk

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About Soviet Hawk

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  1. Soviet Hawk

    A lesson on loot pile manners.

    So next time I have a zombie sinking his teeth into my brain i will make sure to clean up a loot pile that i run by not being an ass just feel this is the general feeling towards this idea :P
  2. Soviet Hawk

    6 Launcher wont show 1.7.2 servers

    ah ok thanks man!
  3. Soviet Hawk

    6 Launcher wont show 1.7.2 servers

    well see thats the thing I cant find 1.7.2 in the server version list
  4. Soviet Hawk

    6 Launcher wont show 1.7.2 servers

    what is this about the "HIVE"?
  5. Just finished updating but 6Launcher wont show the servers that are on 1.7.2 I only see 1.60.9445 any ideas?
  6. Soviet Hawk

    First impression: This sucks.

    Its one of those games you need to watch other people play and learn from youtube. As for blurry ehat i had to do was play the regular arma 2 and adjust the settings from there. Not sure why but doing it insode the mod makes it weird and blurry. Also this is an alpha for the mod so many features have yet to be made
  7. You actually play the game Crayola? I bought it for DayZ and never touched the actual game
  8. Soviet Hawk

    Routine spawn

    Wow you spawn pretty far north up the coast i usually end up between kamyshovo and Kamarovo (think thats how they are spelt). I have avoided chern and elek because no good experience has come from them. Found lots of food and medical supplies but then i get shot or turn a corner into a zombie with no weapon....
  9. Soviet Hawk

    I hate my life

    note to self make shots count and use high end weapons
  10. Soviet Hawk

    No ability to defend

    Well reading what people have said logging off inside a house on the outskirts of a town seems like a bad idea now... Tomorrow is going to be fun for me T_T
  11. Soviet Hawk

    Routine spawn

    So got about 10 hours of DayZ under my belt (much more in wiki and youtube videos). Now I have seen videos on how to fix cars where to find high end weapons and other such videos but I never saw a video on what to do when you first spawn. Right now I run to nearest town/city loot what I can and then usually die to zombies or players. Right now I have made it away from the coast and have started heading north after i looted a coast town. I was wondering what more experienced players do? Just run straight for the air field or loot every town on the way or just stick to the coast? I end up dead a lot so wondering if any vets have ideas what you should first do when spawning on the coast.
  12. Soviet Hawk

    Airborne virus. V4

    Sounds to me like an event that sticks till server resets or the people on the server work together to get rid of the problem
  13. I love it and spent about a week watching videos and overall how hard the game was. If you liked dark souls or demon souls you will probably like this game. I also think now is the time to join in because the more you contribute to the game now the better it becomes down the road.
  14. Soviet Hawk

    Out of curiousity..

    I say $9.99 US/Canadian would be fair maybe more if Bohemia aids in the game but as soon as they start making it their game and not rockets I drop all support
  15. Soviet Hawk

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    Going off OP I might give you guys a shot I just got further into the game than I ever had so kinda wanna see how far my instincts will take me