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Everything posted by dotjosh

  1. dotjosh

    Cannot upgrade beta to 96015

    I pushed out an update to DayZCommander an hour ago that might fix your issue. Let me know.
  2. dotjosh

    Servers disappearing?

    Gamespy started limiting results to 500 servers for some reason... so I started keeping a copy of them for DayZCommander to counter that..
  3. dotjosh

    Stuck on Setup complete please wait...

    See if the version of DayZCommander I just pushed out fixes your issue (
  4. Right-Click your DayZ Commander shortcut, go to properties, try with compatibility mode for "Windows 7" (or disable it if it's enabled) and disable visual themes (or enable it if it's already disabled)
  5. dotjosh

    DayZCommander updating issues

    You may be losing internet connection from the server pinging... In settings, try disabling refreshing of all servers at startup... and then give things a little bit of time before you try the patch again.
  6. http://www.dayzcommander.com/faq#C
  7. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    Not sure yet.... someone else had this problem a couple of weeks ago and that's what they did to fix it. Adding it to the FAQ for now.
  8. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    Right-Click your DayZ Commander shortcut, go to properties, try with compatibility mode set to "Windows 7" (or disable it if it's already enabled) and disable visual themes (or enable it if it's already disabled).
  9. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    Are you seeing any errors in your windows event viewer, "application" section that could help me?
  10. dotjosh

    DayZ commander Patching Problem?

    There might be a bug where you have to restart commander to see that the version updated.
  11. It's on US1284 (, nameplates are off. Hope to see you guys there. We're gonna be pretty proactive about hackers. Oh.. if you wanna find the server... you can use http://www.dayzcommander.com Josh
  12. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Not Responding

    Delete the settings.xml file in c:\users\YOURUSER\appdata\local\DayZCommander
  13. dotjosh

    Cant find the servers

    I was just responding to the guy who said he didn't know how to get DayZCommander... :)
  14. dotjosh

    Cant find the servers

    Just go to http://www.dayzcommander.com and click the "Get DayZ Commander" button at the bottom. It will not change anything with your game files unless you ask it to, which can assure you'll have zero problems if you choose not to use it at some point.
  15. dotjosh

    having several issues getting it to work

    Also might be of use: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138564
  16. dotjosh

    ARMA 2 has a error runnning dayz

    This should help - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138564
  17. dotjosh

    Stuck on loading in servers

    What problems are you having? (I'd like to help if I can)
  18. dotjosh

    Stuck in Wait for Host

    I've found Arma 95883 and Dayz are the best combo right now.
  19. Are you on version .69 of commander? I pushed it out today.
  20. DayZCommander will do it all for you. In the settings of dayzcommander, uncheck "refresh all servers automatically at startup". Then close commander for a few minutes, and start it back up... and try to do your installs again.
  21. dotjosh

    Dataerror (CRC)

    I would do two things from within commander. Downgrade your arma2 patch to 95883, see if this fixes your problem, it seems to be the most popular version at the moment. If the above doesn't work, downgrade your DayZ Version to and then immediately upgrade it to so effectively "reinstall"
  22. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Updating Issue

    Yep, I just verified it in the mirror
  23. dotjosh

    Trouble with DayZ Commander

    This should be fixed in the (.69) version of commander I just pushed out.
  24. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Updating Issue

    Disable the auto-refresh of servers in the settings panel (or just lower the max connections).. your router could be having issues trying to reresh the servers and download the update at the same time.
  25. dotjosh

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    I *just* pushed a new version of commander out too, that allows you to roll-back and forward your arma2 versions at will (like I added with DayZ).. hope this helps someone here.