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Everything posted by zancie

  1. zancie

    Best Assault Rifle?

    Dude, this thread is literally from last year, Please try to read post dates and don't resurrect dead threads. (Captain forum goer awaaayyy!)
  2. zancie


    They are already adding lots of character customization in the Stand Alone. Farming... Eh, it would sort of ruin hunting for animals or scavenging in towns wouldn't it? Yes, a lot of people are KoS out of fear dude, find a clan or find people from this forum to meet you, be cautious. Grappling? That would destroy unarmed players, the zombies are already at a point were you can't lose them, and if you stop for a minute they'll kill you. That video is from Corridor Digital they make awesome videos. Lastly, this belongs in Suggestions. Also, there is no real semblance to this post, it's sort of all over the place.
  3. zancie

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    Like everyone else states, trade. The thing is, with a monetary system, you need a mint to produce the stuff, not only that but the money needs to hold value to people. Currently we have fiat money (in real life.) Because we went off the gold standard, the only value it has it that we trust if we give it to someone else they will take it in exchange for items. So whatever we have in this game it would need to be abundant, but the whole community would have to agree that those things have value, and with that we need suppliers of well, supplies and after we have stores we need banks, housing, etc. You could back it up with bullets as a form of backing, not the shut bullets either, the good unused kind. This is why a currency wouldn't work. TL;DR There would need to be lots of the stuff, and we need everyone to agree it has value, possibly backing it with something, like beans.
  4. zancie

    What is so fun about this game

    Sir, I was up at an old abandoned castle today, on one occasion, I was looking for loot around a helicopter that was broken, I could hear footsteps, I saw lights, but when I called out not a soul was there, only the moaning dead, it was scary. Another I was at that same castle, trying to run in and find loot, when I heard a few shots and bullets hit the ground near my feet, No other game will get you as on the edge of your seat. It's an amazing game, if you try it but don't see the appeal, then don't play. Simple as that.
  5. zancie

    A good non PvP server out there?

    Non PvP is really not an option, you could rent your own server, or try to find a empty server. The lowest server I ever found was about 3/50 the ones under those usually have problems. Other than that, I can't really tell you more.
  6. I thought I would spawn with a gun (Darn you out of date youtube videos!) So I was disappointed to say the least, went around looking for a gun, well I meant to say SPRINTING around. I died. My second life, I got shot by a Russian guy because I wouldn't respond to him. (I hadn't got my mic up and running, and I was in group chat.
  7. zancie


    Hello I'm relatively new, been here for a week so I know the basics but I had some questions. So, Today I've had a bad day, particularly in the looting sector of things. I am finding GARBAGE! I know you're thinking "Idiot thinks tin cans aren't part of the game." But no, not the problem, all I seem to find are flares, chemlights, and the actual garbage. Now I don't play at night, because it's a pain to see at night and I heard flares attract the zombies. And, because I only find these I can't get even a makarov to defend myself. I usually try to go to Northern part of Elektro, the firestations and such, but there, once again I only find chemlights and flares. I considered server hopping in a firestation for loot, but I also considered this to be the problem, with people like me looting each server. A person like me couldn't find anything decent, so I decided against it. I don't mean to bitch or whine, but is this just a bad streak? Is it my luck? Also, yes I have checked deer stands, I usually find ammo for a gun I don't have. Another question, people seem to find like, M4's and such, but the most 'elite' weapon I have seen, is an AKM, I do use a loot map, yes I know I'm a dirty cheater. But these locations yield next to nothing. Why do I ALWAYS find terrible loot?
  8. zancie

    Gangsters in DayZ

    Do we get to wear are pants around our ankles to? Dude, if you want to be in a "gang" join a clan. But no, I don't like this, no factions just zombies and humans... And bandits.
  9. I personally think you should be able to notch your kill count into the butt stock of your rifle, that you just bashed into some poor suckers skull, but that's just me.
  10. zancie

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    Jesus people, calm down, sure he alt f4'd but it's not like he was getting shot at. He was the victim of a bug, I see no problem with trying to avoid death with that, I mean, it's not like a bug is realistic, he just fell down and nearly died.
  11. zancie

    Finding Your Perfect Gun

    Found my M4A3 CCO a while back, haven't really played a lot, afraid of losing it, only got one mag of sd stanag ammo, but man is it nice.
  12. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but truly thank you, I have been trying to get north, to black lake, trying for a long time and I haven't had the time but thanks to the tractor I've... commandeered I am finally up there, to loot all the beautiful camps up there. I've 'hid' the tractor around... 127 038. I'm glad this private message could reach you. It was a nice vehicle, I didn't bang it up, but I did use some gas, sorry. No, but in all seriousness thanks, and... well sorry.
  13. zancie


    So, after being off for a few weeks, I decided to hop on, just to make sure my character is still all good and dandy. And, being the scumbag I am, I was headed up to black lake, to scout for "hacker's" tents. And being teleported down to elektro a week ago I was down farther so I decided to start heading north. So I was low on food, and always abiding by the rule, that if I die someone must get my can of beans of which I always have on can on me. I went to a barn north of Elektro, not immediately outside, but farther north near the dam. Now, I am looting the barn and to my discotent I found a double barrel shotgun only, and a few other useless supplies I didn't need at the time, no food, so I decide to kill some infected because I want to shoot something, and I'm hoping they have a can of food on them. I look at one door, and see three, identically dressed infected, two walkers and one hopper. I go to kill one walker and shoot maybe, three times, and when this happens, no normal infected grunts and groans, but the sound of a human getting punched in the stomach, an "oof!" if you will. After killing the human sounding walker the hopper notices so I go up the stairs in the barn, and I dispose of the ugly little beastie. Sadly, not even a tin can I look out the door again and go for the kill of another. Then, in my left ear, I hear the loudest breathing sound I've ever heard. I turn to my left, weapon ready, the corpse of a infected, and nothing else, I back into a secluded part of the barn and quietly log off. So, has rocket in the recent two weeks changed the sounds? Or what? And no, the breathing sound wasn't of an infected, it wasn't my character, it wasn't another character sprinting, just a loud sort of sigh, or breathing sound. I've only experienced the human "oof!" sounds a few times, but nothing exactly peculiar. I doubt this one was anything special, but just the whole event was sort of weird. The zombies had that ugly hat, yellow shirt, and I can't remember, tan pants? I think, if anyone wanted to know. They also made no noise prior to me shooting, and even then not even the shrieks when they find you.
  14. zancie


    Well like I said, it would take a server wide, all players on the server agreement, and anyone entering. Plus you would need communities and shops, and shops need suppliers, etc. Just a big mess unless it's well organized. And unless our dear Rocket gives us a way of making bases not just tent citys and barbwire were won't have a "amazing" ingame community. I never got why Rocket never allowed making of like, barrack tents if you had the needed supplies.
  15. zancie


    I thought you literally meant the holy trinity, I was wondering... But yes I did have that, but I never really have luck finding bunnies, chickens cows, sheep or boars when I need it. Poor me has starved many a times because the cows won't come out to play. And the whole zombie stuck in the wall reminds me of something, I was at nwaf when I couldn't see a zombie below me, turns out it was in the wall, and it got me legs first.
  16. zancie


    Here is the deal with currency. Back in the old days, currency was backed up by gold, we were taken off the gold standard, producing fiat money, basically the fiat money is how much you trust in the government to pay for everything. In a post apocalyptic scenario, maybe way later when communities pop up, but not until, there will be bartering, not money trading, because if you give me some bullets, that's a hell of a lot more useful then a small piece of paper, or some heatpack that you gave me. If EVERYONE and EVERY server said yes to this, then it may work, but you still need shops, and such for this to work. Then banks would work and all that dandy stuff, but until the currency symbol is WORTH something, it's completely useless. Because nobody is gonna give you a As50 for some heatpacks, because it's both worthless to you, the guy with the gun, and any other player.
  17. zancie


    The "oof!" wasn't the weird part but the breathing was, I added the human "oof" because it just added a tiny bit more detail. And, I... Like to live on the edge? I guess? Not quite understanding...
  18. zancie


    So, my friend very recently modified the files of an app, so he could have more money in it, didn't want to wait an all. He used ultra edit and iexplorer. Is his phone... "Jailbroken"?
  19. It's your fault for expecting people in an area where PvP is rampant expecting friends. Plus, some people are lucky with that you weren't.
  20. zancie

    Don't call while flying.

    Wait, do they have auto hover in Dayz? Because that's the first thing I put on when I fly... Just kidding, I have never flown a helicopter in dayz.
  21. No, they think "hey, this company will be incredibly fucking cheap, and we can also piss of our customers."
  22. If you're like 300m away of course it's gonna have drop. This runs on arma 2 engine, a game made for a A MILITARY SIMULATOR! Of course all the servers have bullet drop.
  23. zancie

    Beans v.s Pasta?

    Dude, baked beans are amazing, take than and some water or coke. Maybe some lamb chops, some bacon from a wild boar. Got yourself a damn feast bro! Than and macaroni is really good.
  24. zancie

    Neerg Mountain curse is spreading!!

    WE DO NOT SPEAK OF THE MOUNTAIN! Heathen, you simply become part of the problem, you wish for the curse to not spread yet you openly warrant people to know of the secrets! You truly shall kill us all.
  25. zancie

    Most dangerous?

    I would say cherno, but then again, I never go there based on simply hearing it's dangerous, I go to elektro, and find no one, but then again I only play on low pop servers.