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Everything posted by zancie

  1. Alright idea, once the hackers are 'mostly' gone, then it would be a viable idea, you still have the problem of bandits retaliating, but with enough guards and such it's a good idea. Another idea, is like a scavenge game, like hide loot in a area and two people race to find the most beanz, whoever has the most wins. Good luck with this.
  2. zancie

    ATV, 2 tents on elektro hill.

    Sorry the kills aren't pouring in. Maybe it was part of your incredibly well thought out plan that led to this...
  3. zancie

    oh so tempting

    Dude, don't become PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you become a little script kiddie you ruin another persons gameplay. And the problem only spreads. Don't become part of the problem dude. Besides, what would you do if you didn't have to work for all that gear? It wouldn't be fun, and you would just start hacking more and more, and become the thing you hate.
  4. zancie

    ATV, 2 tents on elektro hill.

    As the great ackbar would say: It's a trap!
  5. So, you only came onto the forums to whine and complain? Literally no argument, no asking to trade... Oh, and there goes my faith in humanity... Thanks! You know how long it took to get that? Took forever, but my friend wouldn't stay on and hide it better with me, so now it's gone.
  6. zancie


    skype, PM, teamspeak, lots of things. not the forum...
  7. It's the people like you that are the problem, just deal with it, you WILL die, I mean, sure if you got an as50 and NVG's and a ghillie the death can be really annoying and frustrating. But what fun is there in having everything? hell, once I get an akm and other gear I usually go to places where I know I'm gonna die. And I do feel sorry for you and all the others that get hacked death, it sucks. but it's the admins job to keep hackers out.
  8. zancie

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So, I have something to add to this a-mazing topic. So, me and my friend were headed from stary, we were both just a couple weeks in so we knew some stuff, but not a lot. I was near Zub castle and he was farther up north, when we found a small camp, we stole a Gaz from the small camp and some other stuff, wanting to get away we drove west and then south. my friend saw a heli crash on the northern slope of green mountain so we tried to hide the GAZ in some bushes and I carried the zombies while he looted. He found the m249 he wanted and we bolted, I got shot and he got shot on our way back to the Gaz, but the guy shot the tire out of the car when he was trying to ruthlessly murder us. This is where it gets weird, my friend gets back up there, and the GAZ is still there, the guy went to get a tire, I was down south near kemenka, I decided to just go over the top of GM, strange thing is, I never saw a damn thing, just trees and some tall rocks, no outpost, no zeds, no tower. Nothing. I got to a place where I could see the car, so I stayed there while my friend went for a tire. I always heard... Footsteps, behind me, turned around, and nothing. I also turned around and saw numerous tents, only to be thwarted by them being low poly rocks... I never felt more uneasy...
  9. Damn, 30 bucks, well I was hoping he WOULD go with the MC way and charge like, $15 for the alpha, but whatever, I don't exactly have money to burn, but it will be worth it.
  10. I hope we all take into account, that arma 3 is on the same engine, but better optimized. (hopefully)
  11. Hey, if you get bored of DayZ try the actual game arma 2, and OA, it's really fun. And also, hackers aren't really THAT bad, the only encounter I've had with hackers, is all the guns that eventually became mine!
  12. Well, I did feel like I had gear for more than a couple of hours...
  13. zancie

    Found some camo clothing

    Wasn't Rocket & Co going to wipe inventorys for this update? So, it wouldn't matter if you had the gear or not. I hope they don't, I love my m4, and I want to keep it.
  14. OK, here is the thing you gotta understand, the MOD is in alpha, no where near complete. there are glitches, bugs, etc. Now, DayZ, is REALLY fun, but it gets frustrating sometimes. I wouldn't get JUST arma 2 for DayZ there are PLENTY of sp scenarios and mods and such also for arma2. But since it's off, and if you got the extra cash I would get it. Also, six launcher can, but usually does not use steam to launch arma 2 CO so the steam stats are not accurate. Like Bobo said, patience is a virtue, In this game, it's needed.
  15. this may be the most important discovery since... EVERYTHING!
  16. Brace yourself, complaining noobs are coming Dear lord I hope that the difficult gameplay sifts through the players and roots out the losers... Also happy arma is already on my PC, the servers, the poor, poor servers.
  17. zancie

    Need a blood transfusion please help.

    Dude, there isn't a global server, so you need to specify, also, you're going to get killed by Pengs and Ray... Shady, sneaky freakin' bandits!
  18. zancie

    Player running speeds

    maybe he aimed down the sights, or he hadn't drank or eaten. I am not entirely sure what affects running speed. But it could be that.
  19. zancie

    US 88

    Does anyone got information on this server? Me and my friends had a camp going on this server. But today the server just disappeared. does anyone got info on this? Why it's down? Or when it's going to come back up? NEVER MIND ITS BACK UP! THANK YOU!
  20. zancie

    US 88

    Do you know how long it takes to update? Also, My friends and I are fine with losing the gear, we just don't want to have the server come back on after we put work into new gear. Limbo's a bad place to be.
  21. zancie

    Barbed wire needs fixing

    I personally think that you should be able to cut it down with a hachet or wire cutters. But truthfully, Rocket should remove them till he fixes them, because server hoppers are annoying.
  22. I drink all the pepsi and hoard the coke. I like the baked beans. Strange how just the name of a food can change the mentality of someone. I'm pretty sure DayZ is a social experiment. If it is, damn, I want to be a specimen forever!
  23. zancie

    How do I kill Temperature?

    Can't see the bad thing of having a high temp, unless they have something implemented...
  24. zancie

    Learned my lesson

    Yeah, most people have a KoS policy (kill on sight) basically KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES. I learned this last night, came into a room, saw a guy with an AK staring at the door, didn't kill him. He saw me, I got shot in the side a couple times. Lets say the sand on the beach is nice.
  25. zancie

    How do I kill Temperature?

    Not sure the side effects of high temperature. But having a low temperature will give you a cold, which will potentially kill you.