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Everything posted by zancie

  1. zancie

    New map for standalone possible?

    Arma 3 is taking place on a island in greece, the small towns are supposed to be as big or bigger than cherno, so I see no reason why not to use that. but then we don't have the forests which are a big part so...
  2. zancie

    Best place to find Camps?

    Hey, dude, you should tell me the server, so I can avoid it.
  3. zancie

    Best place to find Camps?

    Do you know the best weapon I've found in a barracks at NWAF? A M9. Stary, best weapon, an mp5. I seem to have the worst luck ever. And other people are bleeding as50's it's incredibly unfair. There isn't a way to justify it, because it's not just, but I can't find a damn weapon, besides everyone is shoot to kill why not give my self a fighting chance? And yes, I do feel remorse after stealing a weapon, but I get over it. And so should my victims.
  4. zancie

    Day Z **Game

    We have tons of news on this. But I guess thanks, well for the picture some people can't go to the links.
  5. zancie

    Best place to find Camps?

    around the edge of the map, both north and west side. I've been looking also, sadly haven't come up with anything, I know I should feel ashamed of trying to steal from other players, but whatever, I've been killed at NWAF and stary by so many zombies I'd rather get my NVG'S elsewhere.
  6. zancie

    So it is true. It really is.

    I felt the same way, till I got teleported to debug, there were many others, strangely the first thing I heard was people talking, no shots. Disconnected anyway.
  7. zancie

    Crossbow Zeroing.

    best gun ever dude, really, until the g36c is in, then I will get that puppy and kill. And thanks, I will try to find ranges of common guns I find, in the armory, that will definitely help, thanks. I don't know how much ammo I've wasted because I'm a terrible shot.
  8. zancie

    Crossbow Zeroing.

    I use the m4a3 cco and the revolver, they don't really have that I know of, but if they did I would use them, I like the bullet drop thing, but I find if I'm not trying to snipe it's sort of useless to judge distance.
  9. zancie

    Crossbow Zeroing.

    Well, I generally look at the crosshairs and hope I hit what the crosshairs are aiming it. I do this because I can't really tell how far like, 175m is, in game or in real life. I'm terrible at judging distance.
  10. To clarify, not barking orders or demanding information. I want players to speculate if it will be in cherno or somewhere else. So, no, I don't have any information, but I hope you all will. Will DayZ standalone take place in the new arma 3 location? or will it take place back in ol' chernarus? I'm just wondering. Also, will there be a location like... The mountain in DayZ standalone? Really want to get my hands on the dayZ standalone!
  11. zancie


    Sorry I thought he found the hackers.
  12. Most likely a hacker, considering the heli and the not dying, but also, look for a broken red or yellow chainlink near the bottom right of your screen, that is how you know you're lagging. And the pistol went from 4500 damage to around 1300 hundred, but if all eight connecting your tough skinned friend should've been out like a light.
  13. zancie


    Yes, report the hackers in the cheat reporting section and don't use hacked items, if you are caught with them you could get banned.
  14. zancie

    DayZ Standalone location?

    Would be absolutely sick, you could have an island, or a forest, or a desert and or many locations. But I read part of the arma 3 interview and they said the cities will all be bigger, also every building will be enterable. Lets all hope! Regardless of dayZ I'm going to get arma 3 because it just looks awesome!
  15. I heard it was 30 USD. But I could be wrong, if it's like fifty, I will have a heart attack and be brought back to life due to shear happiness. I want it go standalone soon so I can stop worrying about buying it...
  16. zancie

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    If you are caught with it, you could be banned, be warned.
  17. zancie

    Crossbow Zeroing.

    From the wiki: Effective Range 30m Zeroing No So, I'm guessing it's Zero'd for 30m but I know nothing of zeroing or snipers. I'm an assault guy.
  18. zancie

    DayZ Standalone location?

    Oh! Thank you. But I really hope it's in the new location (greece I think) because the small towns are supposed to be as big/ bigger than cherno, that would really allow clans to fortify a city and have it as a friendly location.
  19. zancie

    Big disappointment

    Seriously? Cause my friend put a SVD in his filled coyote and his was crunched... But then again, he was reverted back several hours because of the server glitch... So, I guess it does, but my mags weren't put on the ground, they were crunched for damn sure!
  20. zancie

    DayZ Standalone location?

    @djnoob, I'm not demanding information, I'm asking what people think, more like speculation. @bahhh So, he will update both the mod and create the standalone? I'm confused, can someone clarify?
  21. zancie

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I finally got my favorite gun, and I want to get some other supplies, and then head to GM, anyone got tips for me when I am fighting the demonic tentacle beast from the 6th dimension up there?
  22. zancie

    Big disappointment

    you may have crunched the as50, if you don't have enough space in a backpack, and you put a large item in there, the large item will "crunch" (disappear) so, that's probably what happened. Also sorry for your predicament.
  23. zancie

    AK-74 or M16A2

    m16 considering on this game guns don't jam.
  24. The wall of text hurts, try to cut it up into sentences with the periods. But dude, that's weird, also what are you gonna do with that as50? Better not snipe me with it! Or I'll... shout at you!
  25. HE HAS FOUND THE DRINK! THE MIGHTY DRINK! This beverage is conjured by the devil. The beverage that shalt not be named is drank by the one whom shalt not be named at the place which shalt not be named. But really, get rid of it.