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About SlimSwitch

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SlimSwitch

    1.7.2 = "Loading" Screen?

    I can't wait until it is fixed. Already missing my DayZ fix lol
  2. SlimSwitch

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yea, I can't join any servers I am going to go ahead and roll back until a fix.
  3. SlimSwitch

    Waiting for Character to Create

    Yea I am having the exact same problem....
  4. I have been playing DayZ for a while but with this new update it has really killed the experience of the game for me... I do not like the fact I have no weapons at all to start with, since the addition of melee weapons why couldn't you start everyone off with a melee weapon, because as it stands now I spend most of my time running from super man zombies that glitch threw walls or players with melee weapons chasing me until my fate. Some sort of weapon is needed at spawn. Until then it is really not worth playing at the moment.