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Everything posted by saf119900@gmail.com

  1. saf119900@gmail.com

    Storm Player was a hero

    :') beautiful story :D
  2. saf119900@gmail.com

    Flashlights and why you should start with them

    Maybe it could be changed so we start with the G17, it has a flashlight built into the weapon.
  3. saf119900@gmail.com

    The Infamous 'Bird Simulator'

    oops :P
  4. saf119900@gmail.com

    The Infamous 'Bird Simulator'

    Yeah it happened to me the other day, it is not a bug though http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext ArmA 2 has 4 respawn types: "Bird" - you respawn as a seagull "Instant" - respawn just where you died "Base" respawn at a marker with the name 'respawn_west', '_east', '_guerrila', '_civilian' "Group" - respawn at your group "Side" - respawn into an AI of your team
  5. saf119900@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    One purchase, studio developed, community servers, DLC for ArmA 3 or separate game.