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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Victoria, Australia
  1. Remove it, all it is used to is to stop players from entering buildings with good loot, also it would be great if Zombies walked around things like wire and sandbags instead of just walking through it.
  2. The barrels (in cherno) seem to be artifacting, badly. And when I first went in-game with it created a new char, when I died and went to create a new character it loaded the char I was using before the update. Lag + lower than previous update FPS (please add an option to disable grass, it does help)
  3. Disable the mod if you want to play single player, something about the latest update has #completlyrooted single player. And as for joining a server just wait, it took 5+ minutes but I got in, when I got in I had a static camera outside the map and a respawn was all I needed to fix it.
  4. "Anyone else still encountering FPS problems?" Yep, I've never had any MAJOR FPS problems before this patch, but now I get 10FPS max.
  5. If you don't like it, piss off. It ain't rocket science.
  6. Go outside when there is no moon out, go outside with no moon AND bad weather. You can't see shit.
  7. I've found out that the only times I don't kill people on sight are the times I die.
  8. Maybe make it have a random chance of spawning with a weapon.
  9. I discovered ArmA in 2009 when I saw a trailer for ArmA 2 on some website, I got ArmA 1 and played it until early 2010 when I bought ArmA 2 (waited for some patches due to the bad release), since then I have bought every BIS release day 1.
  10. Mountain Dew for me; I prefer the higher class, rarer luxuriates. :D
  11. My brightness is already set to 1.5 (helps bring out the colours best for me) but I don't change the gamma, that is always at 1.0.
  12. It is a blue chemlight, the light does not appear until you are 25 (is it?) meters away from it, and it was probably just bugged, that's why you couldn't pick it up.