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About JoKeR92

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  1. JoKeR92

    release that patch

    Even though OP is an idiot, he is kinda right. Its been two weeks. Yes, these things take time, however, the way its being done seems idiotic. I dont get why rocket didnt/doesnt just release a hotfix for the graphics problem only. He has had a fix for a while now but he decides to wait until he can bundle it in with the next big patch(he said this in an interview). Uhhh why do this? This is really game breaking. You can't go to any popular spots without artifacting making the game unplayable.
  2. No, that's not true at all. Someone probably has it stashed right now. Maybe they flew it around part of the map a few days ago and then logged off and haven't been on since. Just because you havnt seen a heli fly over cherno doesnt mean its bugged.
  3. JoKeR92

    US 454 Banned

    I'm sure you dont have a problem dieing, seeing as your whole clan looks to be duping. 10 rocket launchers? Geez, you guys must be the luckiest clan out there.
  4. JoKeR92

    us186 Banned for "scripting"?

    Kyle, Please stfu. It could be a mistake alz, as script logs are kinda hard to read. If a dev or someone from vilayer reviews the logs and tells map its a false positive I'm sure he will lift the ban. Just because a script has an x= y= z= doesnt mean its a teleport hack, but it sure as hell looks like it. Unfortunately, the way you've been acting the last two or so weeks and havn't been very communicative is why you were let go. You should know how it is, you want to play with people you can 100% fully trust in this game. and lol @ lithium. gtfo. I guess our camps can only get raided once. This guy/chick is such a drama queen.
  5. JoKeR92

    us186 Banned for "scripting"?

    01.08.2012 12:32:26:Alz (IP) ba160695b357d843550a160f35b192e7 Its right there?
  6. JoKeR92

    us186 banned no reason

    We had suspicions it was a mole. We couldnt know for sure. I believe they were kicked initially because the vechiles (atleast the dirtbike) was hidden well in a tree, and the V3s was either up on a hill that couldnt be seen (sorry i dont remember exactly as we switch camps weekly) or in a group of trees, and they ran directly toward them, and they were just kicked for suspicion of ESPing. I really dont see the harm in that as they can just come back in. The reason im guessing Cik and Map didnt open fire right away was because they wanted to see if it was someone in our clan aliased, and it turned out to be. And It is kind of hard not to be a little biased when someone you trusted turns out to be untrustworthy. I dont hate the guy, i just dislike what he did and question why the hell he would do it when we all got along fine. Here's a comparison (although not on equal terms, but still): Some guy comes into your house and shoots your family, you and your friend witness the whole thing. Are you not allowed to testify because you are biased in the situation? A lot of admins are just sick and tired of all the bullshit of running a server and dealing with idiots. One person posts a complaint on the forums about a server, and all of a sudden, 15 forum police come from no where and threads get filled with: -WELL SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THIS ADMIN IS A CUNT, IM NOT PLAYING THERE!!!! -OP SOUNDS LIKE AN ASSHOLE, WHY LISTEN TO HIM? -I HATE THIS ADMIN, I WAS BANNED PREVIOUSLY BECAUSE I DEFINATELY WASNT SCRIPTING OR HACKING OR DOING ANYTHING BAD WHATSOEVER -SOUNDS TO ME LIKE WE NEED MORE EVIDENCE FROM BOTH SIDES -IM NEVER PLAYING ON THIS SERVER AGAIN This was all happening before i told the story of what happened. Your posts are fine, you're just trying to help clarify things, but the majority of the "forum police" are too annoying to fucking deal with. The only people it really concerns are the person being banned, and the admins of the server. I'm only posting because Map doesnt give a fuck about this anymore, and im trying to help clarify what happened. Lithium just wants to come back and grief the server, which would be fine if he wasnt going to use scripts/hacks. We can't police what people can and cant do. Only if theyre cheating in some way. I know map is not lieing about Tank scripting because A. I trust the guy, and B. When it happened he read off the script in the script log in TS, that doesnt really confirm it, but map has no alternative motive to go look up a script execution name and lie about it to our whole clan.
  7. JoKeR92

    us186 banned no reason

    Sunny, I really dont have a problem with you, you seem like a cool guy, we just didnt play much together is all F. I was unaware it was your camp until we grabbed a whole bunch of shit, and then kyle was like oh btw thats sunnies camp, so i put a mk48 back, All i took was a m4a1 and a mk48 though so meh. You know how you got the majority of this shit, soo sorry sunny :| And no, we restarted the server because someone teleported to our helicopter, got in it, tried taking off, got about 50-100 meters in the air, and Cik starts shooting it and the guy either alt f4s or teleports out. This was all witnessed by Cik and is shown in the script logs that the guy teleported to the helicopter, it wasnt just someone looking for camps. A hacker griefing our camp is a legit reason to restart the server. The helicopter didnt come back til the 2nd restart (must have been a bug), which was several hours after the first one, which did not restore it back to its save after it crashed and burned. G. You arent saying Map is, but lithium is H. Im pretty sure ESP hacking doesnt show logs, or atleast not all ways do. I just looked into it and theres ways to do it without leaving behind evidence. There's concrete proof tank was script killing, lithium, I'm not as sure about, but in my book i dont give a fuck if he wasnt running scripts in the server, one of them were most likely ESP hacking. Can we be sure? No, but considering lithium was apart of our clan trying to steal our camps shit with his friend, under an alias, while his friend was scripting/hacking (oh lithium must be 100% innocent then), and acting suspicious as fuck in TS, I really dont feel as if he should be unbanned. And what are you talking about we scream hackers all the time? lol. The only people who have been killed in our camp is Dev, and Cik. Cik was legit script killed, dev was just shot, and no one said shit about hackers. idk what the whole "crying hacker" thing is coming from. My posts are coming from people i trust in game, I have no reason to not believe them. Theres no reason for map or Cik to lie about something like this when its so easy to get shit in this game. If someone legit steals our heli, grats, have fun, we hope you crash it so we can get it back. If not, oh well, part of the game. We've had our camp raided many times (mine just this night as i'm posting this), most of them were just legit people stealing our shit, so what, we move on. You guys are making it sound like we act as if, OH SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED, FUCKING HACKERS. BAN BAN BAN.
  8. JoKeR92

    us186 banned no reason

    lolno. He has script logs, thats it. He doesnt have, nor did he even say this, any fraps footage, and he didnt say shit about the global ban. Snowman said he saw you on the other day (like a week ago or something) and I mentioned that there was a recent ban wave and that since the steam sale was going on, you, or anyone else could easily pick up another copy of arma 2, Hes saying it would make sense if you were globaled and bought a new copy and thats how you were on the server, if it was even you that is.
  9. JoKeR92

    us186 banned no reason

    I never once said i was in TS when it happened. We get our camp raided and found all the time dude, you legit have no idea what you're talking about. And i find it funny now that after i tell what happened (maybe you didnt die, this was weeks ago), all you're saying is OMG YOU'RE ALL LIEING, YOU GUYS ARE RETARDED IDIOTS, ADMIN PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD. Get backed into corner --->>> Proceed to insult You're full of shit. Everything that happened, yep, that was ALL a coincidence. Your friend hacking and you not knowing about it? Yep, Kay bruhh.
  10. JoKeR92

    us186 banned no reason

    To lazy to log on my main (IcEy) Lithium i actually liked you dude, you helped us get a few cars back up and running after we were previously raided. The reason why you were banned is because we believe you or your friend were ESP hacking. Along with script killing Cik. For all the people whining in the thread, OMG ADMIN ABUSE SEE, THIS IS WHY DAYZ SUCKS, PEOPLE ABUSE. lolno. You do not know the story, so let me fucking tell it to shut you kids up. This is going off memory from 2-3 weeks ago Our camp was raided after we stockpiled a lot of shit. The people blew up all our vehicles, crushed all our tents, and even spread out some gear on the ground all over (jerry cans and such). We tossed it up to server hoppers/hackers, because why else would someone just blow up all the cars? Rather then take them. They would of took our two dirtbikes, our UAZ offroad, we had an ATV, would make no sense if someone from our server would blow it up, theyd steal it for themselves. So because of this, we set up a temp camp with the V3S and a motorcycle and maybe a bicycle and a tent or something near skalka(sp?). They did not know where the new camp was, only a few of us did. So Cik and Nasir camped the spot for a couple hours just shooting the shit and watching the camp to see if the hacker that hit our camp would come by and take our shit or destroy it. Low and behold, they see two people running directly for the vehicles that are in two different locations and hidden. The two people were Morpheus and Tank. One being lithium that was under an alias in his own clans server. Keep in mind, we liked lithium and he seemed like a good guy, and we let him wear our tags and hang with us, its not like this was his first day in the clan. So they run directly towards the vehicles and take them, knowing FULL WELL they are the clans(we told people in TS we had found the V3s again, and a motorcycle and were making a new camp). So map kicks them to see who they were and to see if they would come back, as we suspected we had a mole in our clan. They come back and try to take them again, and map kicks them once more. Lithium joins our TS and tells Nasir that he keeps getting kicked for some reason. This is when they have a convo and Nasir asks him why is he (lithium and his friend, also his friend would pop on our TS once in a while to play with us), taking the clans vehicles when we are setting up camp. Lithiums reasoning is that "We just happened to stumble across the camp" "Oh we were just gonna drive them around, we wanted to go have some fun".Nasir asks him, How did he know where the tractor camp was, and the other camp? Lithium jumps the gun and says "What do you mean?? What do you think im ESP hacking or something? Im not" No one said anything about any accusations, The way he was talking in TS was jittery and nervous like he had been caught. You wouldnt steal your clans vehicles and fuck around with them when we were JUST raided the day before and trying to set shit back up. At this point they werent banned yet, we werent going to ban him just because he was betraying the clan. We simply banned him from TS. Cik, a member of DES, killed both of them(or maybe it was just lithium, I dont remember), at which point lithium left the server, and the only people on the server were Nasir, Cik, and Tank. Tank goes to a different camp that only map and cik had known about, and tried to take the shit over there. He runs right to the tractor and gets killed by Cik. Death message goes up and everything. About 45 sec-1 minute later, Cik randomly dies, and is in TS saying, Uhhh i guess my character just had a heart attack because i just randomly died while laying on the ground. Nasir goes to check the script logs and sees that Tank used a script to kill him. That's why you and your friend were banned.
  11. That sucks. But this isnt the same. In this situation, at the very least, 15 people between here and in the other threads i linked, all of them are complaining about the abusive admins. Your situation was just two butthurt players that did not understand the game. Yeah it sucks when you get mass raided, but what can you do about it. Spying is allowed, and you can share any info you find if you want to. I was unfairly banned from there server for doing nothing wrong. They throw accusations all over the place because they get shit on. Its like these guys are new to the game and dont understand what happened, so, OH GOD THERE HACKING AND CHEATING, HOW THE HELL DID WE ALL DIE THIS ISNT FAIR, REPORTED AND BANNED.
  12. Theres actually a decent amount of people here, and in other threads complaining about it (being banned), so that + the screen of 12 restarts the other day, and like 10 today, and one like 30 min after there heli was destroyed kinda seems like decent proof so far. Look at everyone complaining about how they kill people in there clan, and then a few minutes later get kicked/banned off (which is funny because tags are off).
  13. Lil hard to do when the majority of people here are complaining about being banned for doing nothing wrong bro :P
  14. While I'm here, Im also asking to be unbanned. You never submitted any proof to any of us, and the dev team/vilayer/whoever hasn't global banned us after all this time, so therefore I am to conclude that they believe whatever you had was not enough. So I'm asking for a lift of my ban. I never combat logged at all during the whole thing, the only time i logged on was about 45 min before we attacked to see what the server time was (literally took 2 seconds), then i logged off. I'm assuming you interpreted that as "combat logging", which it isnt.
  15. Also: some more threads from people complaining http://dayzmod.com/f...35-wdu-clan-19/ From this thread: LOL the irony. Oh god my sides hurt. http://dayzmod.com/f...heatinghacking/ And also our thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...d-for-ghosting/ Yeah its not like 30 people are complaining about admin abuse from this server, nope, nothing to see here folks, move along.