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Mikeloeven (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mikeloeven (DayZ)

  1. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Fix the Dang Zombie Damage and AI already

    i am well aware that this is an old issue which is why i brought it up again after so many updates it is kinda frustrating that the major basic issues arent being fixed. to be honest though the teleporting zombies that walk through doors and walls are the bigger issue because it prevents the player from using cover and obstructing the path of a zombie. defensable locations loose all protection when zombies teleport behind you through a closed door. there is litterally no reason for this. i mean in ARMA the npc soldiers dont have these issues XD.
  2. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Erase existing loot on loot respawn

    It seems as thought some of the issues regarding loot spawns are caused because a new spawn will not appear ontop of a pile of junk. this has ocasionally lead to high yield structures like supermarkets filled entirley with tin canns and other junk loot which prevents the normal loot from respawning untill the area is painstakingly cleaned out by hand or by a server reboot. i suggest adding a expiration to loot spawns that make them disapear after a certain number of ticks allowing them to be replaced with new spawns additionally a DESTROY ITRM context menu should be added to all items allowing the user a fast and easy way to get rid of items without cluttering up the map with drops that can lead to performance issues
  3. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Erase existing loot on loot respawn

    i am going by my observations but from what i see they dont remove older spawns only spawn new stuff and if it is full with junk and there is no more room to spawn i belive it gets jammed
  4. Basically a automatic save of player location and inventories every so often going back maby 24 hours that allows a administrator to roll back players killed by bugs or hackers without having to restart completely or better yet some sort of anti hack script if cause of death = console get death pos respawn at death pos
  5. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Incremental player state saves and restorations.

    i wasent aware that this was implimented cause i have never seen this before it would be better to automate the process tho considering how hacks work i think it would be fairly easy to tell whether or not damage comes from a legitimate source and automaticaly restore the dead player without admin intervention
  6. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Bandits should have more consequences

    personally they should be chained to a heavy backpack with a neon sign and loud speakers that says Eat me and makes you as noticable as a vehicle no matter where they go :/
  7. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    DayZ Freezing, Can Hear Sound, Can't Alt Tab/CTRL ALT DELETE

    i started having this issue two but than i am sure the game isn;t designed to be played for 12 hours straight :/
  8. the hourglass screen is one of the most obnoxious and buggy features in days i am assuming it is supposed to indicate someone who passed out. however by completely disabling the game interface and not allowing the player any option to suicide in the event of a bug or infinate hourglass the players only recourse is to terminate the game via taskmanager additionally there is no way to report the bug to a administrator. i think that untill a better system for passing out is put into place the hourlass icon should leave players able to access the respawn menu as well as use voice and text chat. 3
  9. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Non-pvp Servers

    I would like to point out that there should be a nopvp server option there is no reason not to add the function. if you want to play pvp you are more than welcome to STFU and find a server that is PVP enabled but to fight tooth and nail to prevent the feature from being added is just being a Dick and taking away from desperatly needed functionality. especially with the rampent hacking disabling pvp is a must as it would protect players from the infamous teleport everyone to me and mow them down with a MG greif. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO WOULD FIGHT TO PREVENT A NOPVP FLAG ARE PLAYERS WHO WANT A LISCENSE TO GREIF ON ANY SERVER REGARDLESS OF THE ADMIN TEAMS RULES.,
  10. I read on a news post how dayz is going to be developed as a full standalone game. and i know i speak for a few people when i say the ONLY ! reason i purchased ARMA was because of this mod and i would feel taken advantage if later down the road i had to PAY to repurchase a game that i had been playing right along. i think it is only fair that players who purchesed ARMA just for this mod should be given keys when the full version comes out because lets face it were never going to play arma as is :/
  11. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    good god don't do it man if you add player on player sex it is only a matter of time before they start raping zombies :P
  12. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    House Fortification

    another thing i noticed is the zombies unusual ability to open doors. if you slam a door in a zombies face i do believe it should be the L4d2 approach where the zombie has to bash down the door before it can get inside. additionally this will give the player time to find a dark corner and go prone the zombie can have some sort of search ai allowing it to briefly scan the house than leave if it cant locate the hidden player.
  13. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Randomize military loot spawns

    I would love to see randomly spawning Dead Survivor Corpses in the woods and other empty rural areas eg someone starved to death and left a gun or was eaten by wolves leaving his food and water bottles. nothing really drastic just basic survival gear.
  14. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    first weapon

    I think a Good solution would be to add in Doom Style Flashlight Melee and replace the gaudy yellow plastic flashlight with a heavy Maglight. if you have ever seen the LAPD interacting with a Minority suspect than you know that those things can do some damage. it is REALISTIC and BALLANCED. so there goes the troll logic counter argument i love it how in games like this people hide behind the realism excuse when someone wants to implement an overpowered idea but at the same time they are quick to abandon the realism argument when god forbid realistic unarmed combat could possibly make the game easier oh the horror. make up your minds guys Realism or Unreal ism.
  15. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    How to disable HDR ? ...

    Well for me disabling HDR completely is not about making the game look better or worse it is about FPS and Performance. i am more than wiling to sacrifice realistic lighting for fps over 10 :P but yeah i am playing this on a 8600M GT which is odd since minimum requirements listed for arma 2 were much lower. but in general i wish developers would stop lying about minimum hardware requirements and making them seem lower than they are.
  16. Mikeloeven (DayZ)

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    i totally agree with several of the above posts currently yes the game is hard and it is supposed to be hard however the ability to bleed out from the medical equivalent of a stubbed toe and the complete lack of regeneration. the human body contains about 10 pints of blood and you can loose up to 15% before any serious effects and than up to 40 % before you go into shock and require a transfusion. additionally minor injuries do heal themselves without bandages provided your not exerting your self and putting pressure on the wound. and blood loss will be self recovered over time naturally normally your volume of blood will return to normal within 24 hours however it will be diluted and take an additional week or so for the red blood cells to return to their normal numbers. and as for blood loss stopping on it's own that should be based on damage type and quantity. for example a zombie attack would be considered minor damage from blunt force and a single hit would have a maximum blood loss cap after which the bleeding stops naturally. these blood loss caps stack so if you are being curb stomped by a large group of zombies you will bleed out because the cap will increase with every hit. gunshot wounds and being hit by vehicles would be consider Severe damage and not have any blood loss caps at all. fall damage would be consider a minor damage with a blood loss cap based on distance fell an if a bone was broken the damage type changes to severe like a gunshot. basically you get the general idea i am not a programmer so i cant give you the actual numbers or severity of the different types of damage. so while yes the game is supposed to be hard and yes it is unrealistic to have fast regenerating health. there needs to be something to KEEP THE REALISM. otherwise the whole goal to keep the game authentic goes out the window along with the entire contents of your circulatory system from that bloody nose you just got.