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The Funkey Chicken

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About The Funkey Chicken

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  1. The Funkey Chicken

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Those baby seals have had it too good for too long. It's about time somebody from within the anti-baby seal movement stood up for what they believe in. They may look 'cute', but behind those deep black eyes which seemingly are devoid of any emotion, lies nothing but deceit and treachery. Never turn your back to one, as it may well be the last thing you ever do on this Earth. Also, I heard all seals are racist.
  2. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Thanks Tyler. According to the emails they have sent me, it sounds like others have had this same problem. Not just those who bought their keys from gamesrocket, but also from steam as well.
  3. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Tyler, there is no need for profanity filled personal attacks. Kyros, Lay off the Day Z people, cd keys are not their domain - making a cool mod is. Anyway back on topic. Gamesrocket chose to ignore me, however the nice people at bohemia interactive have acknowledge the problem with my cd key, they are currently looking into it and will be contacting Gamesrocket on my behalf.
  4. Same here mate. I was just about to post the same thing.
  5. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Looks that way. Fortunately it looks like hes only killing bandits, as I still have my hero skin. I'll see what Gamesrocket have to say about it.
  6. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    I have just managed to log in. I now have some night vision googles, a coyote back pack, gps, range finder and an L85 A2 rifle. And I'm on top of some building. All that stuff, and not a single drink. This character is actually about to die of thirst. Give me a hatchet and a tin of pepsi any day.
  7. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Gamesrocket, back on the 1st of June.
  8. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Thanks for the suggestion smash. I have but I am awaiting a reply from them. As for tyler and Nick, I have not downloaded a hack. Its a shame that you both have such a cynical opinion of your fellow players. I suppose Day z does that to people though, trust no one etc. Whilst I have no need to defend myself, I find the early game scavenging supplies to be the most enjoyable aspect of this game. Hackers miss out on this, all they do is cheat themselves out of fun. After more googling I have discovered the follow, which I shall give a try now: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138523-Bad-CD-Key-CD-Key-disabled-No-CD-key-CD-key-in-use
  9. The Funkey Chicken

    CD Key is in use

    Sometimes I am unable to connect to a server due to an "CD key is in use" error. Also, at times when I log in I am at the other side of the map from when I logged out and sometimes I spawn with top end guns and ghillie suit with many zombies dead and head shots on the debug. So it appears somebody is playing with my account. And a somewhat embarrassingly, hes playing my account much better than I ever do. Whilst I'm grateful for the cool stuff, I would rather be able to play whenever I want. Also, he must be becoming increasingly frustrated that after logging out with high end gear, he logs back in half dead on the coast with just an hatchet and a tin of Pepsi to his name after I have played. Yes, I'm somewhat awful at this game. Anyway, could it be that I have the same Arma 2 free cd key as this person, or is it down him using my Operation Arrowhead cd key? If its the latter than I suppose it serves me right for not purchasing it directly from Bohemia, but from a third party cd key web site who perhaps sell the same key more than once. Either that or my web mail account got hacked, I suppose there are a few possibilities. Other than simply buying a new cd key, is there any course of action available to me? Thanks.
  10. The Funkey Chicken

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    I try to avoid players, if I can't then I kill them on sight. Untill we get our bandit skins back I don't see a viable alternative, other than to die a lot.
  11. The Funkey Chicken

    Did I overreact?

    A few days after I first started playing this game I posted a very similar thread about my first kill (forum got hacked though and I lost my account). I also felt bad about killing a survivor. Two days later I had no qualms about killing on sight. I think the majority of people kill on sight not for the lulz, but from fear of themselves getting shot by yourself. We don't all want to kos and lone wolf it (in absense of rl mates), but this game has conditioned us in such a way that if you don't open fire instantly then your chances of survival are dramaticly reduced. I read a possible solution to this on the suggestions forum a few weeks back: Unless you are a sociopath, then murdering people will take a toll on your mental health. So what if bandits were prone to something akin to a mental break down if they don't source particular medication. The less you murder over time then the less you need.
  12. The Funkey Chicken

    A DayZ song? Yep.

    What an amusing, deep and thought provoking song. I have added it to my favourites. I tip my hat to you sir. :D
  13. The Funkey Chicken

    Arma 2 Beta Patch

    Or use 6 updater.