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Mud (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mud (DayZ)

  1. tisk tisk, U.B.C.S has no shame, we have been looting your magic respawning base for weeks now, you just finaly cought one of my men in your base then start kicking him over and over? I guess it worked because your moved all your trucks/cars , dont worry i hooked him up with fraps try pulling that shit again.
  2. is the server coming back up i cant seem to find it?
  3. Bluefox is technically allowed to ban whoever he wants from his TS3. He didn't want to hear me continue to argue with you and try to explain your friends finger-pointing at the time is rather silly. Saying your friend 'disconnected' from his dad yelling at him MID-firefight was rather silly. It was 'well I don't control him' date=' so you can't ban me.' Rather, we can't period ban anyone for disconnecting during PVP because the exploit is too rampantly abused and they can't control it. - That is what the Day-Z Dev said and case and point. The one time you 'owned' me you started shouting 'We see you, you stupid shit.' When I never even knew who you were and I was respawned with a checkpack and Lee-Enfield. Quite frankly, my two times with you, your attitude have been rather shitty. Quite frankly, I really don't care for you. Even your friends I have spoken too say you get over emotional and tend to not be calm. The one time I heard you not even relating to this issue it was a string of curse words and degrading harrassment. My point-- We have had to unban everyone for disconnecting during PVP, We were informed by Day-Z Devs we should run fraps and record it, So we can prove who has done it, then they can globally ban. Beyond that, there is nothing we can do. If JFZ Can't see the server I can't control that. Its something with battleeye, arma2, or on his end. Quite frankly, I have more important things to worry about server wise with 1.7.2. @ Theseriesgamer - You appearently don't read what I posted on your one thread. We said the logs and at the time a member made the claim that disconnecting during PVP isn't allowed, when we were under the impression we could remove people as it was an exploit. It was not directed at any-one person. More as a general statement. This was at the time Arkaeus was well known for it. (Caught him three times now doing it.) Anyway, you guys then started asking if all UBCS members are tagged and the clan member said no, we aren't. You all got silent. It was pointed out you do not read completely what someone is saying or half read a topic. Please stop doing this. Now, I have instructed my clan members that this is the last time it will be brought up. If you have any actual complaints that have not been discussed before, please PM me, or post here. Feel free to continue to bump this thread as all you are doing is talking in circles. The current issues have been resolved and its turning into a butt-hurt fest of 'He said she said.' Thank you. [/quote'] you clearly have not read anything I have written and your comment proves it. As I mentioned about the TS, I clearly know what private property and what he can do with it. And you clearly cannot read. As I mentioned and you decided not to read I was confused on what had happened, the person whos dad called them was like I said another member of the team who was not even with us yet. that is what I thought you banned me from at the time, you clearly have not read what is in front of you or even looked at the server logs or the TS logs. there really is no point talking to you because your comprehension of English is horrible. And your ego seems to protect you from evidence based thinking. I will not be leaving your server and will work harder to stop your farming. And since I don't combat log of DC or have sudden battleye “hiccups” timed perfectly for when I get shot, you will never have anything to ban me for. And the second you do I will be waiting with evidence against you. You will never know when I am watching and filming you. It is now my goal to catch you combat logging on your own server.
  4. so you don't run the clans and you where not there...hmmm so what evidence are you taking that im guilty have you met me? Talked to me? Or just judged me because some one said so? Someones ones word? the word of some one who just got killed by me? Or did you look at the logs first? Did you check TS? Did you ask for SS did you ask for fraps? No because we got banned minutes after john DC, what evidence did you take he was combat DC? Did you see him? no. Thats what we call in the world of Law as a conflict of interests I guess im guilty to you because some one said so? without providing any evidence atall that i even did anything? Because I didn’t do anything you have no evidence but you keep talking like this is an open and shut case and you have all the answers except, you where not there, have no SS no logs of me doing anything not one of your men even seen me. All you have is john logging off. For all you knew I could have been in cherno I wasn’t obviously but I was no where near john and also what about when norrik logged off that would have for sure 100% have caused his agro to go. AND raven was killed 50M from him with his bullshit claim john was not even NEAR raven so if you have anything other then HIS word the guy iv killed 6-8 times and who just died again I think you might need to take a step back and think what you take as evidence before you put your server at risk of the black list. and about the comments on how the servers are run, I did quite enjoy the servers up until this point I had lots of fun killing raven and the others and taking their stuff, one day jacked raven looting a chopper crash jumped out of my truck and owned him I honestly loved your servers that’s why we set our base on your server. not one of us expected this we thought your admins where more level headed and evidence oriented they played off getting killed like it was nothing every time i thought we where having good times. then we get banned for nothing with no evidence what so ever of any wrong doing for simply logging on your TS3 to ask what was going on with the DC....if we instantly thought you did it on purpose why would i send some one to go check in your TS? we simply wanted to ask, and you banned us. How about show the time he logged and the time he logged into your ts server? Wont that set this all good? Why have you not done this? Or is the answer not what you seek? as it stands now you just keep making accusations like im guilty of something that you honestly 100% cannot say YOU even know WTF went down your just taking the word of some one who just got killed for the umpteenth time and assuming that im guilty without even asking me or talking to me.
  5. You guys must not read well. I am not banned anymore I know. you can stop trying to prove you unbanned me when I am not trying to say anywhere in any post that I am still banned. READ. So the reason for my ban was what? john joining your TS to ask why you DC? some how that turns into "what you guys do?" you mean asking why your men DC during firefights? if it was legitimate like you say then why ban us for going into your TS to ask you about it? if no anger existed you wouldn't use this as an excuse to ban. this was the first post iv made or first contact iv made with any of you other then raven who told us we got banned because he asked an admin to watch the list and john logged out, he had no proof no fraps no anything other then john going into your vent, and you use that as a reason to ban us, check your TS logs vs your DC logs they are within SECONDS of each other. again I was not even near him and had no agro of any kind so why was i banned then? and not the other 2 that where 20 feet from me? just the one guy who was 200-300m away and me?
  6. Why yes do I think you will risk your server over one person, you did it with me why do you think you had to unban everyone? because you don’t follow rules. After me killing raven at least 6-8 times over the past few days and killing his "support" while you guys camp the NWAF showers, you guys all the sudden start having "connection problems" after getting shot so i yelled in TS3 some one go to U.B.C.S and ask if that was on purpose or accident. at first i thought I was banned because one of my friends had to log off cause of his dad, turned out he wasn’t even with us yet and he wasn’t the one they said did it. turned out that john was in fact the one who logged out to join your TS to ask about that combat DC, his FIRST RESPONCE back after poking raven was this. <18:36:07> Trying to connect to server on <18:36:07> Connected to Server: U.B.C.S. TS3. US128 and US167 (does not show his poke on ts3) <18:37:54> "Ravin" pokes you: No but you just disconnected Enjoy your ban "Ravin" pokes you: So good luck with that, and Norroks battleeye froze up Next thing i know we are both banned, so i join the TS3 started talking to raven and he was saying he had the RIGHT to bann me I DID NOTHING he seemed to think he could ban me for being NEAR some one who DC(like i said i was confused about what exactly happened at first so i wasn’t arguing at 100%) and not even right beside him, I was over 200-300M AWAY from his sniping location using a silenced weapon AND john never fired a SINGLE SHOT the other 2 that where with us where shooting ak's and they never logged OR got banned(because raven did not know they where with us) raven used john leaving as the EXCUSE to bann us for kicking his ass for days(raven didn't even technicaly know i was there he just assumed becasue john was the one who DC) meanwhile nor's battleye is just all sudden "freezing up" 1 second after i shoot him in the spine? what are the odds of that? 1/mil? If you take all the time he was playing and the fact he DC ONCE just as I shot him sure looks like combat DC to me, every one knows if you wanted to you could go grab the script off 4chan to kill battleye and force DC. I wounder why I was banned? while I did nothing wrong and technically not even near the "offender"? all I did was rape their faces and I might add they lost their thermal at this fight and I was banned EXACTLY as I looted the body with the thermal lucky for me it went in my pack. (this might just be a coinky-dink however) So in short, Yes you will risk your server over petty things like getting killed so why not over keeping some one out? I gave raven the option to remove the banns before I went to the head admins and he refused laughed at us said we would NEVER get unbanned and banned me from TS3, you reap what you sew, he also banned john and he didn’t even open his mouth while I raged. However this was a blessing, we now see that U.B.C.S can't be trusted to run a server so we moved all our shit before we got too stocked up on your gear losing a few trucks and shit is worth it to know you have hotheadded petty admins.