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About Steven9393

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Not Telling
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  • Bio
    playing dayz instead of posting 1200 times on the forums.
  1. Steven9393

    Electros Most Wanted - Recruitment

    Sounds good, add me on skype stevenb932012 if you still need people.
  2. Age:19 Can you take orders: yes How active are you: most nights, random throughout the day Can you share gear: yes Can you respect other members: yes On a scale of 1-100, how mature would you rate yourself: why: 80, i can be a serious player, or have some fun if we do crazy shit. Why should we let you join us, what can you offer: ive played dayz since its been out, i can also be tactical. And devise plans.
  3. Steven9393

    Calling all lone-wolves out there!

    im interested, i can play most nights. add me on skype stevenb932012.
  4. Looking for a Dayz group, dont post clan invites. Im 19 from the US and i have time to play on some nights. Add me on skype stevenb932012 if you need a good player.
  5. Steven9393

    Looking for group

    i have a mic and im 19, been playing dayz since it came out.
  6. Starting to play Dayz again, but nobody i know wants to play anymore. And playing solo isnt much fun. Been playing Dayz since it came out, So i know my way around most of the map. My Skype is stevenb932012. Would like a group of atleast 2 or 3 people.
  7. Im looking to join a new clan, been playing DayZ for 5 months. So im experienced. My skype is stevenb932012 if you wanna contact me.
  8. Steven9393

    EFS clan recruiting new infanteers, medics and snipers

    I will play any role you give me. Been playing DayZ for 5 months and looking for a new clan. Add me on Skype stevenb932012 Im 19 and from the USA
  9. Steven9393

    Chernarus Coastal Squad (CCS) - Now Recruiting!

    Age:19 Skype Name: stevenb932012 IGN:MK Steven Skill Level: I would say well above average. i Have a high attention to detail. Knowledge Level: Been playing DayZ for 5 months.I know the map. Role:Pretty decent pilot, i can snipe, but im best at close to medium ranges with any assault rifle.
  10. Age: 19 Location (state or territory): Ohio Skype: stevenb932012 Time in DayZ: 5 months What do you like to primarly do: I like to get in close, in the urban areas and loot or kill others. I outsmart most guys i face in buildings or just wait them out. I also will scout ahead and such. Also i can fly lol.
  11. Steven9393

    No Mercy Clan

    skype: stevenb932012
  12. Been playing DayZ since May, i play often and iam looking for a new group to play with. I can fly heli good, drive, snipe, do anything you need me to. Add me on Skype: stevenb932012
  13. Steven9393

    Graphics Card Suggestion?

    660ti just came out, very close to gtx670, and its only 300. The only card in the 200-300 price range that will run on all highest settings 60fps at 1920x1080.
  14. Steven9393

    Reformatting comp what needs saved?

    no its all saved to a hive, which is locked to your cdkey.
  15. Steven9393

    Everyones bitching :(

    The biggest problem i run across is everyone being teleported to the same area.