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About crisk21

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  1. I'm looking for a Taviana server that's hosted in NA and has 50+ people online on average. If anyone could suggest some servers for me that would be great.
  2. It's definitely not the best gear, but it gets the job done. It was between playing a song over the video, or you hear my friend and I talking about completely unrelated and somewhat offensive things. And yes I know it wasn't anything special.
  3. I wasn't bragging in anyway. Just simply sharing a video.
  4. Haha yeah it's a good song. I felt it was relevant to the video.
  5. I was camping in the supermarket with my friend and we managed to get enough kills for a small video. Before it's said in the comments, yes I'm a douche, yes I'm a camper, and if you don't like the music you can mute it. EDIT: Ah shit I accidentally put the link in the title.
  6. crisk21

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    I went to a concert of his in March. Great show :)
  7. crisk21

    Spawn as bird?

  8. Do you have a mic?
  9. crisk21

    Where do I get the mod

    Just follow imtheantinoob's advice. It's simple.
  10. crisk21

    Cannot hear gunshots

    I had full blood and no hunger or thirst. But I'll try setting my samples higher. The servers aren't up atm so I'll have to wait until later to test if it works.
  11. crisk21

    Cannot hear gunshots

    My friend and I were in Elektro and he kept hearing gunshots yet I couldn't. I can hear everything else, and his gunshots, but not ones in the distance. This happened before in other towns too. Has it happened to anyone else?
  12. I was getting attacked by a bunch of zombies, so I was trying to attack them with my hatchet, but it kept throwing flares for some reason. I'm not sure what I pressed but I'm not sure how to change it back. Any help?