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About crispy_tofu

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  1. crispy_tofu

    Safety on guns?

    Like king pointed out, the safety on your firearm is not to stop you from pulling your trigger, it's actual purpose is to prevent the weapon from discharging should it be dropped or something like that. Unless you tend to drop your mouse you don't need a safety.
  2. Do you need range finders?
  3. crispy_tofu

    Will trade for as50

    Trade went well iron granny is trustworthy
  4. crispy_tofu

    Elektro got Demo'd

    Theres an uav and an A10
  5. crispy_tofu

    Elektro got Demo'd

    A little bird can do something like that, I got strafed by one in churno once
  6. crispy_tofu

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Can i get a pick up at kamenka up to some where around prud at noon gmt -7? The game thought it was being funny when it broke my leg and teleported me 12 miles away from a trade i have scedueled, thx EDIT: scratch that dont need a ride anymore
  7. crispy_tofu

    Will trade for as50

    offer closed
  8. crispy_tofu

    Will trade for as50

    pm me your steam name
  9. crispy_tofu

    Will trade for as50

    aight, where? and for what?
  10. How much would sniper cover for a trade be?
  11. crispy_tofu

    Will trade for as50

    As I said I want an As50 I have NVGs GPS ghillie and a can of sardines that I am willing to trade if you want you can pick the site and bring backup I plan on bringing sniper support unless you come highly recommended. I'll give you my primary at the time of the trade. Right now its a M4SD CCO with 3 mags but I might have to ditch it if I get in a fight and burn through all my ammo. Post your offer and if I like it I'll PM you.
  12. That crushing moment when you get crushed by a falling hielo
  13. crispy_tofu

    I need a ghilliesuit

    Ill take an as50 or a shot of morphine take your pick
  14. crispy_tofu

    Elektro got Demo'd

    I was just blowing satchels with a couple of friends for fun and all of a sudden one of the charges just went mental and decided it was a cluster bomb, taking out a good portion of the forest north of kamenka and dropping my frame rate to like 5 fps, someones charge may have experienced a similar glitch.
  15. Is the Fal still available?