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BobDole (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BobDole (DayZ)

  1. BobDole (DayZ)

    DayZ vehicle test out

    what exactly is the point of this video..
  2. BobDole (DayZ)

    I literally cant find anything

    just search the airfield/ heli sites for guns. ghillies you can get in ANY residential building so houses or apartments are good
  3. BobDole (DayZ)

    Computer Spec's

    your processor is alittle poopy and that graphics card is really bad i would upgrade gfx card before ram.
  4. BobDole (DayZ)

    Alt F4? really???

    was this your first fire fight? welcome to the game.
  5. BobDole (DayZ)

    Is gender really bound to your CD key?

    no you can change everytime you die
  6. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading 10 SVD Mags!

    il offer 10 makarov mags
  7. BobDole (DayZ)

    Need Satchel and/or M136 Launcher

    just fyi the m136 is broken so dont try shooting it.
  8. some items like the axe you have to scroll wheel on it and select take "item"
  9. BobDole (DayZ)


    you could probably get 2 bizons for it, i know for damn sure i would throw 2 bizons for an m4sd but i already got one.
  10. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD + 8 STANAG SD mags.

    lmao record breaking cpu from amd? good joke, im not mad. why would i be mad, im not a cheap bastard and got an i7 and nvidia gfx card and it out performs any amd system ive ever seen. so if you want to buy shitty products to save a penny go ahead. if you really think intel and nvidia has under performing products youre probably looking at bias benchmarks on amds website.
  11. BobDole (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    no option for every game in the nude?
  12. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD + 8 STANAG SD mags.

    the saw rapes, have you used it? its no mk48 or m240 but 200 round belt is so sexy. also this AMD > Intel ATI > Nvidia Paying extra just for a brand name when the product performs the same is just plain stupid isa pretty good joke..
  13. BobDole (DayZ)

    Rocket Seriously

    lol i have never been without a vehicle and i can confirm hitting something at 10mph wont make your engine red. youre the shitty. go play l4d kid.
  14. BobDole (DayZ)


    M4sd has about 200 more meter range and may be quieter its alot better gun you should keep it
  15. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    open your config file and set scene complexity to 100000
  16. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    there are fixes for that, just play with the video memory option setting it to low and then default usually fixes it for me
  17. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    ive found like 20 once...i went in for an engine and every loot spawn was tires...
  18. BobDole (DayZ)

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    lmao. any industrial building spawns tires. http://dayzdb.com/map any of the yellow dots are industrial buildings
  19. you will destroy the weapon if you try, if you found a weapon go look for a bigger pack
  20. BobDole (DayZ)

    Best weapon to go with a sniper rifle?

    m4sd can be heard from like 30-maybe 50 meters and not much beats a mk48 or m240 unless you have an l85 the thermal is great for sniping
  21. BobDole (DayZ)

    Best weapon to go with a sniper rifle?

    akm, mrk 48, m4a1 or a3. any auto works for me
  22. BobDole (DayZ)

    AS50.... AWS?

    youre comparing something that can kill you and is illegal to pixels....i understand what youre trying to say but your example is retarded.
  23. BobDole (DayZ)

    AS50.... AWS?

    who cares what server admins think, if they want to be bad admins and ban without proof let them. fuck them il play in one of the other 10,000 servers.. and if you have proof by all means ban them and report to battle eye. however if you dont have proof you have no idea if youre just banning someone who killed a hacker and doesnt know whats in the game.
  24. BobDole (DayZ)

    AS50.... AWS?

    the AS50TWS was in the game at some point so there are some legit ones floating around. i just got one today killing someone who killed my 2 buddies. and im for sure going to use it.