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Everything posted by bailee

  1. bailee

    new bandit

    i agree kill or be killed
  2. I wanna play with some nz i have a truck what i stole with the beast weapons on the game all to my self come play with me
  3. since the new patch i just got it and it says battleye instillation failed and when i do get on to a sever it says waiting for host
  4. thanks i think it worked for me
  5. i am having the same prob right now any ideas
  6. bailee

    Day Z server problem

    i have the same prob pls help i just tryed again and i am stuck on the loading screen ??????????????????????????
  7. bailee

    loading problem

    i start to load up dayz and join the server then it says loading and then does nothing please help i hope i didnt buy arma 2 and waste my money