Hello, I am buying ARMA 2 CO and am geting the DayZ mod, but I am not even remotely close to being considered a "Muitiplayer minded" gamer, I understand you guys probably have a million posts like this but none have given me the answer I was looking for. I of course am talking of single player in DayZ, I would like an extra mode wiht a different character to play in single player. I understand some peoiple saying "It takes the whole survivial poiint out" or "But then you cant work together" Heres the thing, in DayZ I'd rather die by my own dumbass descision and getting eaten by zombies than shot by some sniper while minding my own buisness not doing anything. I will play the multiplayer, but I would love some sort of single player function to later be added ( This isn't a "demand" it's merely a suggestion) Are they adding it, if so when, if not why not? Thanks in advance ~Sean