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Cron (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Cron (DayZ)

  1. Server : FR16

    Time : ~2:30 AM GMT+1

    What happened : Two friends and I were around Eletro. Two were covering the office from far away ( ~600m ) while our friend was making his way into it.

    At around 2:20AM we heard someone shoot and the three of us caught the "shock" effect, at the very same time. We ignored it.

    Approx. 10mins later, we all caught the same effect again and turned into zombies ( heli-crash ones ), attacking air mindlessly. ( loosing control over our characters )

    We disconnected right away and logged back into another server with all our health back.

  2. The L85AWS was an issue, it did have a big advantage over every other gun in the game as it's basically looking into a wallhack (brilliant white against a red backdrop, if you haven't seen it check out a video) but that's how thermal optics work in real life, and this is a game that's going for an authentic feel. Period.

    I might sound like i'm nitpicking but you are wrong about the AWS being a wallhack. A wallhack basicly shows players through walls. That's a cheat.

  3. You got a source on that information?

    Vipeax most likely confirmed it during PUDDN livestream, right here : http://dayzmod.com/f..._40#entry272008

    With every single L85 being out of the game, and new found ones un-pickable, this all seems pretty legit to me. ( this issue is massively being reported in the bug section )

    Do a 360 swipe and your sure to spot everything living around you.

    That's so inaccurate. The damn thing had such an high zoom that you'd spot a cow 500m away but you'd most likely miss everything in-between. How about you try it yourself? That's like 4 clicks away in the Armory.

  4. The L85 is gone for good, that was confirmed by some dev ( people are now finding bugged/unusable L85s on crashsites )

    As for Ghillies, they are temporarily gone. As far as I understand, a new "you" is spawned whenever you change suits and right now, the new "you" most likely spawns under the ground.

    Regarding L85, it was a bad weapon. Really. High recoil and low damage making it terrible for long distance shots, high zoom making it terrible for low/low-med encounters. But it was quite a must-have tool for any raid attempt. Now it becomes much more risky as you have to greatly expose yourself to enter most valuable buildings or even reach crashsites.

    And then people talk about tactics.. smoke grenades, flanking and whatnot... Sounds like we are not playing the same game.

    In "my" game most people will just log the hell out if they feel unsafe. Heck, I've seen people disconnect and log back in a minute later in a much better flanking position. People are d*cks and will use/exploit every single game mechanics to get easy kills and better loots. That's DayZ in a nutshell : survival at all cost.

    It was definitly mostly used by snipers, but they will still be effective at camping and killing people. On the other hand, we definitly lost the best counter to prone-ghillie-suited snipers who are overall way too safe in the current state, in my opinion.

    Anyways, at the end of the day, I trully believe we need such "a bit op" rare pieces of equipment in the game. If we can get the best weapon from a barn and hatchet/knife from a shop then there is no reason to ever visit a town again.. and as far as I'm concerned, no reason to play anymore.
