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About Mossad_Wafa

  • Rank
  1. Mossad_Wafa

    Official Rocket Identities

    I send u a free The War Z key on youtube enjoy Rocket.
  2. Mossad_Wafa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Gonna be the same as now. Fucking cheaters.
  3. Same for me i need help please player id : 31892806 Thx a lot
  4. +rep I was connected with my 5 other friends, we raid the admin group, they restart the server, insult us(mumble), kick us.
  5. Mossad_Wafa

    us 770 hacker with video

    lol he had a PKP pecheneg so u're right it's not legit.
  6. Mossad_Wafa

    Texture fails?

    Hi, first sorry for my english. I saw in a other post that if you change your graph settings to "default" it fix it. Did you try that?
  7. Mossad_Wafa

    Arma 2 AO Down?

  8. Mossad_Wafa

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    Same as Stormster10... PVP Battle, kicked and hop Maintenance
  9. Mossad_Wafa

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    Nice mod (really) but stupid rules.
  10. Yep u all right i hate you, i really love to kick you. i'm a bad admin. lol Bye i leave this forum.
  11. Not in a post, on the chat server and please, learn to read a server title. It's mine not yours. you want to play on with a lot of issue? i can get you a link to give me 40 euros? If u don't want u can waiting. A last time let me remember you the title of my server: DayZ - FR57 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - TESTING SRVER DO NOT JOIN PLEASE| Vilayer.com lol. P.S :12:34 AM ? Server was down. Lee give us the update at 1:15 AM. Try again.
  12. Hi Goldeen I see that you have edited your post at 1:30pm and 2:34 pm and lety me just see that u're a fucking lier cause my server is down atm. yes, i have some problems : Bear traps, vehicles, update (up this night at 1am and didn't play after), tents and save characters. "there was no notice of any testing this time" thx u make me laught. A last question, is it you "Ale" ig? if u are trust in me you will be ban shortly and you can crying to DayZ Staff i'll never let a kid insult my family or me.
  13. Hi all, First, thanks to Psyl3nt to understand my position. Second, "Well you know you abused the admin rules by kicking me about 7 times. You should lock the server in that case and not have 7 people on it while "testing". Also i never saw you kick any of the other players, just me." You're talking about rules gnagna and i see that you don't know it urself. I kicked you 7 times mh... ok join an other times and it will be the same. I put on my tittle server "testing server PLEASE DO NOT JOIN" it was to avoid a useless thread about admin abuse but i see that someones don't understand and are here just to annoy poeple. If i wrote "testing server" i have reasons, and i NEVER kicked just you, i kick all poeple has part " Pielkor " ho's an admin too cause he help me. You don't agree with that? I'm really sorry for you but join my server and it will be the same. When i'll finish all i have to do, you will be abble to join it but before, please, don't make a fake post about admin abuse. Third, you said that i have to lock my server, if i lock it vilayer shut it down immediatly (you know rules? I don't think so). And please, host a screen with 7 or more poeple on my server when i'm on. Crying is good but proofs are better. Sorry for my english, i do my better but the next time i'll answer in french i don't have any times to loose with some kids. Cya