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Everything posted by ih8

  1. was that supposed to be exciting?
  2. ih8

    I guess I am a dick...

    why did you need to post this again under a different thread title within 2 minutes of the other one?
  3. ih8

    Best Way To Kill Someone

    that resolution is win
  4. ih8

    Derp time in Lingor island! DayZ

    that resolution
  5. another nameplate server newb
  6. you can make the game easier by just not playing it
  7. ih8


    nameplate server hopper nothing to see here
  8. ih8

    Day Real Life satire

    that video was made shortly after that dude ate that other dudes face off in Miami
  9. watch out, we got an elektro sniper here that plays on nameplate servers
  10. ih8

    Factory Massacre

    in your next video you should up the ante and do it on a recruit server
  11. ih8

    Factory Massacre

    nameplate servers and the shooter still takes forever to hit targets that can't shoot back best video ever
  12. how were you running around with an L85, ghillie, and coyote pack with barely any tools and no morphine?
  13. ih8

    [Video] The racist Indian bandit - part 2

    that wasn't funny that wasn't racist you didn't even kill anyone that was however miserable to watch
  14. wonder how many people are going to die trying to loot that high pop nameplate server
  15. ih8

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    what's more embarrassing is how your teammate had no awareness of where the shot came from nor what gun was used, had plenty of time to react and died anyways also the nameplate comment was good
  16. ih8

    Becoming a bandit PVP montage

    nameplate server
  17. .50BMG is not going to leave a clean wound channel through a hand it's going to destroy it. This is from the detonation alone. Considering the width of hands by comparison to the width of elbows/knees forearms etc the .50BMG is capable of borderline limb serverence.
  18. ih8

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    you're playing on a nameplate server, get real bad kid "getting bored let's switch servers" "I wasn't server hopping there was a break in between" ....keep mouth breathing
  19. sweet justification You think you deserve to have an unfair advantage when someone shoots at you first under the pretense that cheaters exist? With your dumbass logic everyone should just script to make the game fair - it would be fun then right? I wonder how long society would last if everyone thought lke you. Seriously, you're an idiot.
  20. are you that ignorant to expect that anyone believes "it's safer in my hands because I don't PvP"? if you were playing the paragon and wanted to make sure no one got it the simplest way to do that is drop it in the forest or to originally hide the body....nice try though even in theory your justification is shit, clearly you have trouble getting good legit gear and feel like you somehow earned it someone kills you, guess what.... it's no longer "SaFe"
  21. yeah it was an old veteran player just hanging out in Elektro sniping newbs you shouldn't be using it and trying to justify it dumb dick
  22. don't post if you don't know what you're talking about scripted in