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Everything posted by Volatyle

  1. Rocket has stated that while he does not want side chat enabled, he is not blacklisting servers for this specifically. (Source: http://www.reddit.co...o_rocket_today/) However, what admins cannot do is edit the mission files. So unless you know if they were provided an edited mission file or they actually edited the file themselves, there is a good chance they have no committed nothing wrong (Edited to insert proper source link)
  2. Sorry to have bugged ya, we were able to get in touch with someone and get this fixed. Look forward to playing on your server again between the times we spend on ours. Thanks again!
  3. Depending on whether you are the guy in Cherno/Elektro running around or the guy camping in the forest and only approaching civilization when absolutely necessary, this isn't just a "neck down, random respawn death-match." We constantly go dayz (sorry, couldn't help it) on end without encountering anyone when we attempt the survivalist approach to the game. Any time you have catastrophe you always have people taking advantage of the situation. You are always gonna have raiders/bandits/etc as some people with gladly steal from others rather than create or build. But, I honestly think this is a matter of having different, and perfectly valid, opinions on where the game is, where it is going, and what we want out of it. A major part of the enjoyment for me is the suspense and the heart pounding of a near death encounter with someone shooting at me when I venture into a city. Unfortunately, for all of us to get what we want out of the game, we will need more options, accessibility and control over our own servers. As this is Alpha though, we are still a long way off from whatever the finished product is.
  4. Having played a bit of both survivor and bandit to get a true feel for more of the game, I don't think that reducing ammo by as much as 90% would be ideal. For starters, let's look at realism. I live in Not-so-small town, USA. We have 3 Walmarts, 2 sporting good store, 3 gun shops, pawn shops, Farm and Ranch stores all easily in walking distance in a post-apocalyptic world. Each and every one of those has a very large supply of firearms and ammunitions for each weapon. Assuming some will be looted, I have a major, high risk metropolis not so far away with many, many more of all of the above. And this doesn't include personal stores of weapons/ammo that are readily available to any American over the age of 18 (21 in some cases). Heck, I even personally know 2 people with perfectly legal flamethrowers. All of that said, there is no lack of weapons near me, not including what is available in my house and even in my car, much less what I personally carry on me at all times. I could go a step further and add in all of the available reloading tools and supplies for weapons I have in my garage like many other wild game hunters. Regarding attempting to make humanity, coexistance and trading more important, I completely agree that everyone sitting behind a computer is more likely to ignore their moral compass. There is nothing you can do that is going to remove the safety box they are playing in. I honestly shoot most people on sight in DayZ. I brought 4 real life friends into the game and since onset, we have made 9 other friends from playing online with them in DayZ. I constantly find people with gear I want, and sometimes, if I have decent support from a nearby hillside, I will even attempt to trade with players who have something I want. I traded a set of NVG's for a AS50 this way and it was enjoyable and nerve wracking to sit in the open and make the trade! But friendliness aside, you have to protect you, your group, and your belongs as a number one priority before anything else. That means, if you stumble into my camp, I don't wave a hankerchief, I shoot to kill. If I see you first, I will generally shoot without question unless I feel I have the relative safety and upperhand to let you leave. Real life wouldn't be much different. If you saw someone watching you with a gun in their hands, are you going to take the time and risk your life to ask if they are friendly? Preservation will always come first. In real life, the better man doesn't always win, and contrary to movies/videogames/media, that's just how it is. I'd love peaceful coexistance. But it's not a very practical ideal when it means you have to risk yourself and hope for the best.
  5. agL, we're trying to update to now and hitting a brick wall on ideas. Would you mind taking the time to give us a hand via PM, steam, vent, or TS? Edit: More Specifically, we updated the server to, updated our clients to the same (via sixlauncher) and are unable to connect to our server. Would you mind telling me where you downloaded the server update from and what, if any problems you encountered and how you resolved them? I'm sure you're busy playing and just kinda hoping here I'm able to snag some of your time
  6. In regards to your edit on your post Dizzy, you assume we want to kick and screw for help in Cherno. That all goes back to the assumption that you know the only way to enjoy this game. Coming from way too many years of MMO's with the same guys we came to DayZ with, we just like to be able to socialize with other players. To a degree, this is an MMO. It's nice for us to find other survivors with similar desires. And being an avid Eve fan, it adds another element of trickery to watch for. I'm not looking for a full fledged RP in this game. If I were, I probably wouldn't be playing this as it would conflict with some form or LARP practice. I'm truly sorry you, the team, often feel such a need to react so horribly to anyone questioning the "Why" or "It's not fair" behind anything. If doing the work for this game and dealing with all of its fans (who all want different things from the game) has made life so unbearable, maybe you should take a step back and reevaluate where it's going or if you're happy with what you're doing. Thanks for a great game and for the time put in all the same.
  7. I'm sure it all comes down to different strokes for different folks on how they choose to enjoy the game. And I agree the immersion you get from no side chat is definitely intense. But there are side chat enabled servers out there, you've said in this thread you enabled side chat, and Rocket has said that servers won't be blacklisted for having side chat (if pressed, I can go find the link again. It does actually exist). The thing is, every time we ask for help enabling side chat or even if we can personally edit the mission we are told it is not allowed, generally in less then friendly terms by a team member. If noone is allowed to have side chat, punishable by whichever/whatever, then we are we not allowed to operate within the same parameters. Note that I'm not knocking you for going out on a limb and trying something new, I am all for it. As a fan of modding anything, I am very happy with the progression this mod has made. I am just asking why the universal set of rules is not universal, but rather conditional. If the comment was made that "it's my toybox and we'll play with it how I say only," then I could go with that. But then I, and others, would just expect it to follow those rules only.
  8. I'm sure the response won't be polite, but I don't seem to understand why every time we ask if to enable side chat, we are told to piss off, yet you, a developer, can do these things at whim, admit to doing them personally and not directly related to your role in developement, and not take flak/risk the same punishments as we would for doing them. We keep reading that there is an "equality" required to the servers and it's stated to a point well beyond beating a dead horse. But it doesn't seem fair that we who rent or help pay for servers are less equal in regards to our requests when the same things seem to be allowed elsewhere because we haven't found the "in" required to be able to get those same features allowed, elsewhere. The only way we can get the side chat enabled on our server seems to be by editing the mission file ourselves and hoping to dodge the trouble we would receive because we don't have a Fuschia-colored name.
  9. Volatyle

    New Server

    Also, saw one guy driving a bus, and another on an ATV, so vehicles are spawning now
  10. Volatyle

    New Server

    We "tested" the server for a day and weren't seeing vehicle spawns during that time. Reading up on it gave results varying from "New servers don't have/have few vehicle spawns" to "Devs send out vehicle spawns in waves" to "lolwtfroflcopter". Honestly, we don't know why they haven't spawned in, but we assumed as it's a fresh server, it's in the works. Hopefully soon we'll see people flying through cherno wrecking vehicles. Excited to see if they new patch prevents the clusterf__k that is vehicle camps off the map. Our guys got together to rent a server that builds a decent community, bandit or survivor, and keeps the b.s. and hoarding to a tolerable level. We'll see how it pans out. I'm generally not the spokesperson as I fill the role of group a-hole. Noone else was around to field commentary though...
  11. Volatyle

    New Server

    ichor: It is not a hardcore server. If the server is named properly, you should see "CH:OFF" for no crosshairs and "3D:OFF" for no third person. Some also say hardcore. As for sidechat, _most_ servers do not have it any more tickle: It is disabled by default. We enjoy the sidechat aspect and are working to find out if we can enable it. And before a naysayer says "its a blacklistable offense" or some similar jargon, go look up your facts first. Editing the mission file will result in a blacklist, but Rocket has stated that while he doesn't want people using side chat as it's not intended to remain in the game, they are not blacklisting for side chat. Maniacle: The server name was given to us today and the server went "live" today as soon as we received the proper name. Not sure who hosted the original server with the same/similar name, but it definitely wasn't deadweight. But we did see ya in there. We have a vent and you're more than welcome to join us on there if interested or looking to replace your long lost home. P.M. me on here or find me in game