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Everything posted by ShabaLaba

  1. ShabaLaba


    During the short couple weeks of playing dayz I along with with a couple friends constructed our squad and quite often lose people on our adventures through Chernarus. So what im recommending is that defibrllators be placed sparingly across different hospital locations to bring back dead players temporarily so that they could be healed accordingly. But due to the advantage of this item they should be have a very rare spawn chance with a one time use per unit. I believe this item as well would also help the teaming up aspect of the game as it obviously needs to be administered by another player. With this I hope defibrillators could be added to this awsome mod and help my squad and I with our frequent dying problem :D.
  2. The official Goonda Force private hive server has just been put online. We have active choppers just waiting to be found. Over 200 vehicles across map ranging from fishing boats, trucks , to even bicycles. There are admins on every night watching scripts to see if any hacker activity has been spotted. So rest assured being killed by hackers is nothing to worry about. If your interested stop by US 1067 and have yourself a time! One disclaimer though, you will not spawn with other items from other Lingor servers but this is due to it being a private hive. But don't let that get you down, there is heightened chance for better loot and it is easier for us to track hacked in items.
  3. ShabaLaba

    Banned from RU 14

    Ok to start with I had freshly spawned in one of my favourite servers and I begun to scavange elektro once obtaining weapons in less then two mins I headed to the church then I spotted some one in the corner I yelled to him I was friendly and then he shot. After some trash talk over I repawned in elektro once again with my good scavange skills I found a lee einfield then spotted a man exit the churcch were i shot him dead in the street. Then again I made my way to the church again to find he had a friend I didnt see before where I was then shot again. After talking more trash I spawnd again and what do you know im in elektro again. So determined as I was I found the man I shot and took his rifle and then made my way to the church were I shot the last man who got me. Then as I popped the corner another man with them missed me with his ak. But he didnt shoot me before so I called him a cyka and left to the north. Then the two people I shot before complained to the admin for the next half hour to kick me because I spawned in elektro three times and that I was American who didnt deserve to play with them. So really if I could ne unbanned it would help my squad out as we play often on this server. I dont know if this will help but my ingame name is [GF] ShabaLaba.
  4. ShabaLaba

    Bandit Forum

    SHITTY M107!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright just 5 minutes ago I was camping the NW airfield with my 50. Cal M107. There my friend was going from hangar pickin up shit like the usual. Then all of a sudden gun shots go off on the right and a squad of three show up and begin hopping hangar to hangar towards my friend so then i decide to take a shot with my 400 m zeroed in rifle and miss a foot short. Then there squad sniper pops out of the hangar so I move up half a dopple and take another shot at there sniper miss a foot short again. So as I move up 2 dopples I take another shot and the round hits the same spot a foot in front of the bitch. By now hes already zeroed in and takes me out. So in the end this bitch had a bullent deturrent or this M107 just plain out sucks. In the end I lost it all to this rifle but oh well my squad of 7 is already going from vybor to clear these krauts out.
  5. ShabaLaba

    Clear a Town

    One problem I have often run into is the excessive zombie spawning. I mean this in the way that once my squad clear out a small town in less then a minute another horde is already at full sprint toward us. So what I suggest is that once some one has entered a town all of the zombies spawn as they regularly do but once the town is cleared out they do not spawn back immediately until every player has left that area. But implement it where probably a small group of zombies may roam in every 10-20 minuets to investigate what the commotion was they heard in the distance. Then again clearing larger areas such as Cherno will require a massed amount of players to clear and maintain a city. This I think would help random meeting players to work together in order to clear out a town or city.
  6. ShabaLaba

    Poll on Zombies

    this needs a little more recognition because i think it would help alot
  7. ShabaLaba


    thei well I disagree this would be cool but i think their should be different grades of body armor that provide different states of protection at a cost of mobility or sneaking ability.
  8. ShabaLaba


    i read some of the threads that were posted and i see now what you are getting to
  9. ShabaLaba


    thats what i meant to see with the idea but i did very poor with the explanation but its not like i intended the defib to work 100% of the time
  10. ShabaLaba


    i never said to make it more realistic in the first place i was onley suggesting a new item be placed in, and as for not searching i did several times and no threads popped up so really cmon man
  11. ShabaLaba


    well i guess there could be exceptions for its use to beyond drastic wounds like a 50 cal or headshot
  12. ShabaLaba

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    lol the 3rd one made me lmao