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Posts posted by Buffjesus

  1. I'm pretty sure (100% actually) that he didn't, he did say they were holding a review in June though, perhaps that's where you guys are getting confused. Trust me, if he'd set a release date for June we'd know about it.

    he has said june many times in the past (while ago), and then he comes out at rezzed and says a window of about a week with 1 week left in june.

  2. The slightly-more-open-closed-alpha-testing hasn't started yet, there's still a little bit more waiting to do. Sorry! It's more of a 'when it's ready' than a 'when will maximise sales' at this point.

    Also, last I heard the price was going to be around 18 GBP, but that was a long time ago now.

    and at rezzed where he said
    "We've set a date now - a window of about a week."

    he means some random week down the line that nobody knows of, and not this or next week?

  3. I did some research and I have found out that it indeed is very easy to manually remove trees/grass even buildings and play DayZ from those topics:




    In those topics it says it is also possible for private server admin to enforce check on *trees* , so players that try to exploit via turning off *trees* will be kicekd out. Some servers do it and some don't cause checking for files takes up logging in and loading times for few minutes sometimes.

    Anyway, for test I removed "my trees" and logged on my favorite private whitelisted server. It doesn't kicked me out, and I could play with seeing every forest as a flat ground.

    I'm gonna now inform server admin about this and I'll ask him to add file checking for trees & grass to the server.

    from half a year ago

    that stuff is long gone

  4. total and utter speculation on your part. There are games with no hacking you know? Why? because they were built that way and just cannot be hacked without the hacker being detected and putting a stop to it.

    You cannot know whether there will or not be hackers, but I'm confident you are totally incorrect and there will be little to no hacking possible in standalone. If not then DayZ is screwed.


    owait australia :rolleyes:

  5. mk48 was the gun

    if it removes your backpack it was scripted in.

    in regular arma2 heavy guns take your backpack slot and was modded to work differently in DayZ. so if a gun removes your backpack it means it was scripted in

    edit: and you can only hold 8 pistol mags... and since he was using that gun :P

    • Like 1

  6. every sniper spot has another sniper spot that overlooks it

    if you join a high pop server and dont know about the absolute 99% safe spots you will die

    every time

    no matter what

    there are people with 100x more experience out there that know how to watch their backs

    • Like 1

  7. I forget, which hills are considered "sniper hill"?

    • Is the sniper hill around Elektro called Dobryy?
    • Is the sniper hill around Cherno called Vysota?
    • Is the sniper hill around Stary Sobor the little forest directly north of the military camp?
    • I don't even know which hill is sniper hill for NWAF
    • Is the sniper hill around NEAF the forest of Olsha?

    yes dobryy

    cherno sniping sucks didnt even know there was a hill that can overlook it luls

    looking out from the deer stand north of stary to your front right. so yes that forest area

    the forest on the west side of the middle of the airfield is where i snipe from. can watch every single loot area on the airfield and see if zombies spawn at the south area. there is however a thin line of trees northwestish that can see the hangers + fire station + ATC building.

    yes the stone wall close to olsha

  8. It doesn't appear to be as big a problem as it is right now. Most people do kill on sight. Ive only run into two people my entire time playing that haven't. But it doesn't matter atm because I can just join low/medium pop servers. But if Rocket does what I think hes considering, I think hes gonna make it so you can't join low pop server but be auto joined to a server than you can't avoid people and forced to play the PvP game so many people want.

    and kill all group play with friends and clans

    no he wont

  9. Why do you people assume that we're friendly? We KoS too. We're just don't like that the game favors it. And I don't see how the fact that you can choose your playstyle makes it impossible to balance them. Just give a downside to killing people, since there is no reason not to kill at the moment.

    not quite sure how to respond to this pile, but

    i gave good case situation numbers of meeting people in chenarus, and how even if majority would not kill you any of them could have.

    and since there will ALWAYS be the risk of that person being out there you will take precautions. it doesnt matter if when they shoot you they turn into a pile of goo on the ground for 5 minutes, theres still the chance they might do it. as long as that fear is there and people value their earned gear, KoS will happen a lot.

  10. It does make no sense, allowing people to knowingly exploit the game. They never should be banned, but maybe suspended. A weeks suspension and a character wipe would make them rethink their decisions. Although, I guess we need to wait for the standalone.

    You need a better attitude when responding to suggestions. It obviously is just a suggestion and not everything has been thought out, so you here are the moron.

    no, not at all

    hes quite far from being the moron in here

    NO kicking or banning. why? because cheaters will just put those wepons in your hands to get you kicked. And then you are stuck because you cannot join a server without getting kicked again because your pc is a potato. And you cannot drop the darn thing quickly enough.

    Simply let the server turn the wepons into empty cans or chemlights. Instead of the banning and kicking.

    every major update (when 1.7.3 eventually comes along) all hacked items turn into makarovs

    Because what this game needs is more stress on an already overworked hive, caused by constant gear checks of every single player connected to it along with spamming endless warning messages.

    the game already checks your gear AND reports who has hacked weapons to the hive.



    This rumour has no basis to it whatsoever.

    Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself.

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