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Everything posted by Buffjesus

  1. Buffjesus

    Why are cars so rare?

    because you want a vehicle?why the fuck would anyone spend hours farming the barracks or searching for helicopter crashes fuck why would anybody even leave elektro or cherno? it has pvp and zombies and people for medics to heal!1!!!11!
  2. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    another elitest retard who thinks hes good because he uses an inefficient gun to get his 20% kill rate.but go on, i enjoy laughing at retards who think theyre good with failing shot - kill ratios also, nice on the 2nd part. cant come up with anything so he goes and make himself look like he has downs #1
  3. bottom corner prone up to it with the context menu and keep waving around it. it will pop up eventually
  4. Buffjesus

    Graphics Bug

    go to the area you want to loot close arma2 restart, log in etc.. and for that one area you wont have any artifacts
  5. Buffjesus

    Bring back the temperature reading in debug.

    black = bad flashing = real bad flashing red = youre pretty much fucked already
  6. Buffjesus

    It's all about hit detection

    ah 3rd person shooting in dayz always good luls
  7. Buffjesus

    question about private hives

    your character is still saved to the main hive if you do something with any other hive
  8. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    i do? im pretty sure half my posts are telling retards theyre retarded. only thing i can hope for is when they read my post they think to themselves "geez i dont want that guy slamming me again, i better put some thought into my post next time" and the other half answering every question thread i know the answer to.
  9. you die from a bug you walk back and get your shit... np other than an annoying distraction / stat reset hackers though... you lose everything, cant go back on your server (if you had vehicles youre fucked for a while), your server might become a target for him and you risk dying to him again if you continue to play on that server in the future. so yeah... bug definitely
  10. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    yup efficiency = noobnailed it brah' community forum posts are just too damn good. edit: you cant even copy/paste right... #1 class
  11. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    "your" get off the internet before you drool all over the place
  12. what youre the guy QQing about pvp... i like it jsut the way it is atm lol
  13. youre getting in the way of my fun if you suck too much to stand your ground then youll be removed /end if you want easy mode i heard you can make a private hive in the corner of the room where you can play with dolls
  14. ill admit these kind of retarded posts give me the most luls
  15. Buffjesus

    Why are cars so rare?

    yeah but playing on a 2 month old server then claiming vehicles dont existsee the problem with this?
  16. Buffjesus

    Why are cars so rare?

    cause theyve been fixed up by other people and hidden? duh? if vehicles constantly spawned there would be 50 things driving around per server. if you dont suck at DayZ it takes all of 1 night to find a vehicle. if you reallllly want one, go to a spawn point and server hop. other than that, search the western/northern forests. takes all of 3-4 hours to do a full clear of the west side and youre guaranteed to find some and atleast 1 tent city per server
  17. Buffjesus

    Sniping, boooring...

    you dont you run the hills and look to see if zombies are spawned in towns (means someone is there ofc) or you fix a vehicle, drive around and look for zombies. once you find some; you drive to the closest hill and begin searching for the guy. or you just continue on with your daily grind and when you hear someone nearby you run for the hills and search for the annoyance.
  18. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    alright another kid i must reply to the internet is not a cute cuddly place of rainbows and rainbow sprinkles of happiness. i realize this is a community forum and not a gaming forum so the quality and common sense surrounding gaming will a lot less. i speak from common sense and realism. this is all crap you should be easily able to figure out by yourself
  19. Buffjesus

    Wiping all of dayZ

    just so were clear the clothing dupe is a problem with the arma2 engine and cannot be fixed unless he takes out clothing changes. so until he does that; all restarting will do is let the people who know how to play the game (fix vehicle on 4 hour server, control crash sites, dupe gear, control barracks with duped gear) crush the noobs 1000x worse it took me all of 1 1/2 nights to get 75% full geared on current servers (vehicle + high end gear). if i had free reign to know that all vehicles are at their spawn points id be crushing noobs by the end of the night
  20. Buffjesus

    Duping fixed!!! ... ?

    clothing dupe still works and will always work until he does what lingor island did (when you switch clothing you dont get your old ones)
  21. Buffjesus

    How can you even call this a game?

    cbb reading a rage eassy atm but, atm we call it a mod an alpha of a mod but mks
  22. Buffjesus

    DMR one shot?

    DMR unconscious ROFL maybe if it did that it wouldnt be so shit, but then the m14 would be broken as fuck. but no the DMR will not put them unconscious, it just makes their whole character disappear from the server
  23. Buffjesus

    The whole hive needs to be wiped

    when 1.7.3 comes out all the AS50 TWS will turn into makarovs (or atleast the majority of them) happens every update