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Everything posted by HadesWarpig

  1. HadesWarpig

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Good post, beans for you, sir.
  2. HadesWarpig

    My Day Z Wallpaper speed art

    Nice work, I like the one without all of the text much better as well. The one with the text looks like an advertisement.
  3. HadesWarpig Ghillie suits

    They work but when my friend put one on today it ate his Alice pack, so I suggest dropping your backpack before you put it on, then pick it back up. I did it earlier and it worked for me.
  4. HadesWarpig

    My piss poor job of wanting to kill someone

    What happened to you is just DayZ's way of saying it loves you.
  5. Heheh, sounds like a mostly good time. It's stuff like this that keeps me playing.
  6. HadesWarpig

    To Alex on US 88

    Sounds like a job well done. Good work.
  7. HadesWarpig

    BattlEye re installation, MISSING STRING

    Same issue here, nothing I have tried has worked to fix this.
  8. HadesWarpig

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    It seems like outhouse deaths are a lot more widespread than I would have guessed. Which involves mine too. I closed an outhouse on myself, it broke my legs, knocked me out and caused bleeding. Killing me shortly.
  9. The end of the first post gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I liked that ending.
  10. Apparently it seems that I have not remembered that sarcasm does not translate very well through the internets. Let me amend my post so the true nature of my intended message can get across to the forum goers.
  11. RIP Timmie, it sounded like a good fight. /sarcasm
  12. Well done, and great choice of music for that video! :thumbsup:
  13. Name: Hades Age: 19 In game name: Hades Steam Id: HadesWarpig Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Whatever is needed, I really don't have a preference. Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : After my last encounter with survivors on DayZ and the assortment of feelings that came with it I realize that I am not a ruthless murderer. I want what most people in this thread desire. I am not a bandit and I'm looking for something more to do in DayZ than wander around and look for gear. I've set up my own small camps but I'm looking for something more permanent. I think GMS would provide me with just that. A solid group of players with a common goal. What can you offer to the clan: Plenty of DayZ knowledge and a tactical mentality. I have been a long time Project Reality players (another military/combat simulator) which follows most of the same principles as Arma2/DayZ.
  14. HadesWarpig

    Why do guys play as girl characters?

    These two things, and I'd like to add that I don't enjoy listening to heavy male breathing for hours on end when I run. But until female characters can change skins I will keep using the male character.
  15. HadesWarpig

    What kills you the most?

    Hackers. It's kinda sad.