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Everything posted by dxze

  1. dxze

    Why do you chose Dayz over Origins

    You wouldn't build a house during the apocalypse, but you would certainly have one where you can store your gear and sleep. Think I Am Legend. Because you can't fortify any current houses in Arma, Origins have allowed players to build their own. Having a house during a 'zombie apocalypse' is NOT a crazy idea, lmao.
  2. dxze

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    I get bored running through forests and slaughtering zombies. Hunting players adds a real challenge to the game. Makes it fun, and keeps me playing.
  3. dxze

    stagnard SD ammo

    Stagnard?! Boy I lol'd. And it's strange that you're having a hard time finding it, I find it everywhere... Best place to find it though would probably be NWAF, Deerstands, or you could try heading to Elektro hills and killing high end players to loot their body as most of them seem to have some.
  4. I've noticed it also, hopefully it speeds up a bit soon
  5. dxze

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    I agree, I would like to see .50 cal snipers removed. All else is fine, they're just overpowered, over common, and over easy to use.
  6. Yeah an M240 is basically a Gimpy (L7A2)... Mk.48 is basically a SAW that shoots a 7.62 round, made for US Special Forces originally iirc. And I'm not sure about the ranges, although I thought it would be easy enough to hit someone with an M240 etc at roughly 600/800m in DayZ?
  7. dxze

    Funny Hacker

    Shoulda changed server after you got his loot.
  8. dxze

    What I Want To See In DayZ

    AS50s etc are FAR more common that CZ550s. A complete hive reset for everyone and a way to stop duping would make the game a lot better imo.
  9. I have a TrackIR5 + Trackclip Pro for flightsims, I don't use it for DayZ though. I might give it a try.
  10. Yeah it might work - but it would also ruin the game. People only kill because they are bored. Once you get high end guns, a coyote pack, a ghillie maybe, perhaps even a car and a camp, then what do you do? Rocket needs to introduce new things to find, perhaps finding scrap metal etc that will help to construct bigger and safer camps. Things that keep people occupied will prevent people killing the bean wars around Elektro, Cherno etc.
  11. dxze

    A request of Rocket...

    Try flushing a few times, works for me 9 times out of 10, if not I disconnect to lobby then reconnect.
  12. LOL! Did you expect ANYONE to believe you when you posted this? Too damn funny! hahaha!! Enjoy the ban, hacker.
  13. Our tents seem to work fine, sometimes we notice 1 or 2 things missing. But we always lose vehicles, we've lost 2 bikes, 2 quads, a GAZ, a Ural, a Bus and another car. They all just vanish when the server restarts. Really annoying.
  14. Not sure why, but I'd rather die to a hacker with an AS50 TWS or being teleported and shot rather than breaking my leg and bleeding out after walking into a piece of barbwire.
  15. It's incredibly easy to stock up on good guns. Just find a server that's almost empty, find a car, then drive around every deer stand, potential heli crash sight, airfield, barracks etc. Also try driving up the West and North coast as there are lots of camps up and around there.
  16. dxze

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    I'm looking for a Ghillie Suit if you have one (for some reason we can't find any)? I have almost everything else to trade (Bizon, AS50, M107, SVD Camo, M14 AIM, M240, SAW, AKS, AKS Kobra, M4 Holo + Noobtube, M16 ACOG, DMR, L85 AWS, FAL AN/PVS-4 etc, etc. I also have Rangefinders, NVGs, GPS, Satchel Charges etc, etc.) PM me if you are interested.
  17. dxze

    As50 Thermal

    Nice graphics and resolution.
  18. dxze

    COME FACE ME - FR179

    You couldn't snipe your finger up your ass man, calm down.
  19. dxze

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Thanks :)
  20. I'd be interested in finding this out also...
  21. I was turned into a Zombie, I left straight away and joined a different server. Luckily, it didn't save and I was back to a survivor and I got to keep all my stuff :)
  22. Hi, this is a 100% legit post, I'm not looking to scam anyone or kill them on sight, and I'm hoping I don't attract people trying to do that to me either. I am willing to trade a high end gun,+5 mags for that gun, for a single Ghillie suit, the guns I can trade are listed below; AS50 M107 M16A4 ACOG M4A1 M249 SAW M14 AIM AKS-74U (I may be able to trade others depending on what I find) I will also throw in one of the following to give you more of an incentive (hopefully) to make a legitimate trade; NVG Rangefinder GPS If you're willing and able to make this trade then just send me a PM with your Skype in it and I'll add you. Then we can discuss how, when and on what server the trade will be made... Thanks :)