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About duder

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    On the Coast
  1. duder

    Maybe hacked vehicles (NL 17)

    The bicicles were hacks. There were 3 of them, an offroad bike and a turned over burned out uaz on ne airfield. After finding them the whole player list got warped to one point on the nw airfeld to be killed. We logged out in time. The admin doesn't reset the server out of spite or personal gain but. Because of the hacker epidemic that was going on. Tents and vehicles have disapeared before but usualy respawn at the same place after another restart. Restarts happen every 6 hours yes, but for the usual reasons. In the evenings it's night unlike on many other servers that change the time with every restart.
  2. duder

    Hacker now present on NL 17

    I was playing with rubmifer. It happened around 16:30/16:45. After I got transported to the NW Airfield, I saw a huge frigate and probably all players in the map.