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Harleus Badassimus

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About Harleus Badassimus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Harleus Badassimus

    US 612

    The full 17 shots from the pistol did not kill him either. all aimed into the chest
  2. Harleus Badassimus

    US 612

    Just had a hacker kill me in this server. He told me he was near, i looked out of the window of the shack i was in and saw him way out in the field probably 50-60 yards away. i went prone to avoid if he had a sniper rifle. Told him over voice i was friendly but just pass me by and he instantly appeared in the building so i unloaded a full G17 clip into him and he took his sweet time to shoot me in the head.
  3. Harleus Badassimus

    Instant logout = fail IMO

    Nice but that still leaves auto coward instant abort. If under attack they simply leave and take a piss get some junk food and come back 20 min later still on the same server. I'd still vote for a 30 sec to 1 min abort. Still being able to move while abort is initiated. I do agree with server specific/random that way u cant keep hoping to spawn near a specific location. Will coral people into being regulars in servers and create a bit of a server based community
  4. Harleus Badassimus

    Instant logout = fail IMO

    Someone tried to kill me as i first enter town as a fresh character. They ran out of ammo then before i could get to them with my axe they disappear. Being fairly new i thought nothing of it, but shortly after they spawn in the same spot and run away. 2 things i think would really improve this game. 1- Disable instant abort, instead increase it to 30 seconds or even 1 minute. 2- Create a radius around all focal points where players cannot spawn inside. (I recently lost my first character i did quite well with for first time playing the game. Got to the military field and had someone spawn inside the building right behind me and in front of my friend. We had no real weapon yet and we where both killed) My buddy was engaged by another player and when he failed to kill my buddy he instant aborted, logged into another server re-positioned himself and returned to the server above him to gain the murder. I feel this type of tom foolery is not an honorable tactic for pvp.