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Everything posted by RootsRasta

  1. I just loaded a tent full of lovely stuff, I knew of a server restart, so I saved the tent, logged out. Next hour I come back in to find an empty tent [there was only 2 people on the server and I was talking to both of them] Is this a bug?
  2. Hi there This is the 2nd time I have found a tent and the second time I have issued deploying it. I have been trying for 20mins in all areas, and I said to my mate to try, he did it in 2 attempts. I tried on the same place and still no, There is deffo a bug with my game, is there a way to fix this? Alex
  3. RootsRasta

    Cannot place a tent - Friend can

    How you keep the inventory open?
  4. RootsRasta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hi there, I agree with some of the above, Zombies spot you from too far away its ridiculous :P
  5. Hi guys, I am so new to DAYZ that I haven't pitched a tent yet. I saw that the most recent update removed all ability to pitch a tent. Being someone who has just joined the community I have gathered a few mates to play on with and we finally got a tent, [excitement running high], only to find out 30mins later about the thread that says they have been removed. So, I have been playing for 5 days now and have never seen a vehicle, so what are the alternatives? I really liked the idea of building a little base with a group of people and storing valueables there in case you got shot on a hunting mission. Cheers, Roots
  6. RootsRasta

    So, Tents removed? Alternatives?

    Hi Jimbob, thanks for your reply. My understand was that the latest patch removed the tents completely as people were building cities? http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17006 The reason I ask, as I spent 30minues trying to place a tent on the ground, from the tent I found in a supermarket. No luck, tried flat land, no vegetation etc etc, wasn't having any of it. Suggestion? Alex
  7. RootsRasta

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    I am new and also fed up with everyone shooting you, The enemy is the zombies not human players, it particularly makes me mad when people shoot players who have just spawned, armed with just a deadly backpack they pose extreme risk.... I think its just become a fuelled viscious circle of mistrust, where, "oh I got shot for no reason so I can't trust anyone" etc