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Everything posted by viper131

  1. Hey I am Canadian guy looking to join a small crew or someone to join me to form a crew. PM me if your interested and we will set something up Thanks a Bunch V
  2. I cant pm you it says you cant recive new messages but yes i have mic
  3. :( I loaded Dayz this morning and it was fine went on about an hour later and on it again and nothing loads now and I am stuck in the middle of no where with nothing not even grass loads? what do I do please help me out. I am running version and its being very strange nothing loads. Please dont flame me I just need some advice on how to fix this.
  4. viper131

    Need some friendly advice

    thanks I will try that
  5. I am having a problem I keep respawning in the middle of no where nothing loads except myself and other people around me no buildings nothing. What do I do how do I fix this? My version is It loaded this morning fine and now its just whacked. Can somebody help me out When I spawn in to the game it only spawns me and other people and nothing else just land no buildings not even grass? I dont get it ran fine this morning and all of a sudden its putting me in the middle of no where. My version is If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it thank you very much.