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Posts posted by Jokkeh

  1. Me and my friend are experiencing huge lags after the recent patch, the weird thing is that everything seems normal, until we encounter each other/other players. Every other player blinks around and suddenly reappear on the other side of the field. Been working perfectly fine for 3 weeks or so.

    Anyone got any idea what this could be?

  2. He was killed by "friendly fire", then about 15 minutes later he was at the international airport (armed to the teeth), killing me and a friend. My second friend managed to kill him, this time he was also killed by "friendly fire".

    Second time i've been killed by a hacker at the international airfield (on different servers) this weekend... Getting kinda sad.

  3. Someone blew up the fire station++ at the international airport, me and my friend also got killed seconds after realizing it was blown up. We both got shot at the same time while moving, broke our bones then died within a millisecond. None of us heard a single shot or sound.
