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About MrCasalino

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  1. I'm looking for a group that plays BP a lot. No one under 18. If you're not a hacking douche PM me on Steam, my GT is TheBigCasalino.
  2. MrCasalino

    F*** Combat Loggers

    I'll agree that snipers are annoying, but it's not like I sit up on a hill all day, I check out the area I'm going into, snipe players that look well equipped, and profit. I was killed right after this shot anyways......
  3. MrCasalino

    F*** Combat Loggers

    If you don't like the video leave the thread, sniping is part of the game, if you think it's cheap good for you, it's not like that's all I do.
  4. MrCasalino

    F*** Combat Loggers

    You mad?
  5. MrCasalino

    F*** Combat Loggers

    Hey guys, my friend Justin and I started a YouTube channel. We will be posting DayZ game play and assorted gaming videos. Please drop by our channel and like, favorite, and subscribe. Thanks in advance! Here's a DayZ clip, I kill a stupid combat logger. More to come soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYiDBJK3FRM
  6. MrCasalino

    Saving Private Bambi

  7. MrCasalino

    Saving Private Bambi

    Hey guys, my friend Justin and I started a youtube channel. We will be posting DayZ gameplay and assorted gaming videos. Please drop by our channel and leave some feedback. Thanks in advance! Here's our first DayZ clip, I save a noob from definite annihilation. More to come soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1VJYcc0MVY&feature=plcp
  8. MrCasalino

    Looking for a buddy or group

    We had a crew of four together in Balota, we will all be getting on later. My steam name is ImRussianYou, just message me if you want to play.
  9. MrCasalino

    Looking for a buddy or group

    We have three people, we're looking for a fourth.
  10. I am looking for someone to play casually with, preferably from the U.S. I'm not new to fps games or Dayz but it's been a while since i played. I have skype, teamspeak, and steam. My steam name is ImRussianYou so message me if you want to play.
  11. MrCasalino

    Elektro got Demo'd

    I guess someone thought i was gaddafi..........
  12. MrCasalino

    Elektro got Demo'd

    I was thinking it could be a plane because i didn't hear rotors. Is there an ac-130 in Arma 2?
  13. I agree on all points, and i agree with you about third-person, although I think it should still be a server option. There are some people who enjoy it but it does have balance issues.
  14. MrCasalino

    Elektro got Demo'd

    Well that might be something like what happened to me but they were blowing up buildings all around me, like i said one of the buildings i was in blew up as soon as i walked out. Does anyone know if it could have been a tank or air vehicle of some sort?
  15. MrCasalino

    Elektro got Demo'd

    Not to mention the explosions were spaced out, they didn't touch off one and then plant others, it was rapid explosions all over Elektro.