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Everything posted by Maniacle

  1. US 83 got hacked tonight. Standard crap, kill everyone etc. We took it down as soon as possible. Question: Now everyone who logs on (except a few of us) gets an error with a missions_e.pbo file in the addons folder and they get kicked back off. Anyone else experienced this? *Seems re-installing battleye fixed the problem for some people.
  2. Maniacle

    US 83 hacked, have question

    I don't think it is the server either, but i also don't think it is steam because the only people that seem to be having this issue is those that were on the server when the hackers showed up. Nobody else seems to be having an issue connecting and even some of us who were on at the time aren't having issues connecting. Seems to be a select few (maybe 10-20 people).
  3. Maniacle

    US 83 Offical Thread

    Bump to an excellent server. Server browser not working? Just hit REMOTE button and put in the IP and port. Should be good to go!
  4. Maniacle

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    You can't just tell someone you saw some hot chick naked....you just can't get the full enjoyment out of it unless you see it for yourself. :) Bring on the vid!
  5. Maniacle

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    Them putting money into it has nothing to do with it. They don't have the right to run the server however they see fit. Still have to follow the devs rules for running the server.
  6. Maniacle

    Hacked Servers?

    Without knowing time of day in game it is hard. I usually run with the sun to my back for about 15 minutes. Log out and back in. Usually puts me back in a forest. That doesn't work, try running towards the sun for 30 min then doing the same. :) Wish i could be more helpful. The other option is to just hit respawn and kill yourself.
  7. Maniacle

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    Got the popcorn ready. Should be interesting....
  8. Maniacle


  9. Maniacle

    Dallas 48 locked with TOP members

    I agree, but in the case of this particular server, it looks like the guys posting in the other thread may have a point. And possibly proof too....curious to see the video myself.
  10. Just bumping so it stays on the first page. :)
  11. Maniacle

    New Server

  12. Maniacle

    New Server

    There already was a US83 TX7 server...what happened to that one? Or is this a completely new server? Hosted by new group or same people as the other one?? Just trying to sort out my confusion because i had stuff stored on US83 till it went down earlier today.
  13. They can't delete your tents. This happens sometimes after a server restart. Next time they do a full restart your tents will most likely reappear. As for the vehicles? Who knows....(assuming your hiding spot isn't out in no wilderness area)
  14. Maniacle

    US 83/TX7 needs a restart.

    I don't even see this server anymore. It has disappeared same as LA 4 did. I wonder if both servers are gone or what is up with them. Those are the 2 servers my group kept some of our supplies on. Sucks...time to start collecting all over again. :( I do see a new US 83 now though that i never saw before. I don't think it is the same server though as the US83 TX7 one. Strange they are using a similar name though or maybe they changed hosts? Not sure.....
  15. Maniacle

    LA 4

    Does anyone know what happened to the LA 4 server? It seems to have been down for 3 or 4 days now. Just curious if it is no longer going to be hosted or if there is a problem and it will be back. Thx