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Posts posted by Maniacle

  1. Thats not the Server ... Today comes a Steam Update for ARMA 2 OA and it breaks the game !

    I don't think it is the server either, but i also don't think it is steam because the only people that seem to be having this issue is those that were on the server when the hackers showed up. Nobody else seems to be having an issue connecting and even some of us who were on at the time aren't having issues connecting. Seems to be a select few (maybe 10-20 people).

  2. US 83 got hacked tonight. Standard crap, kill everyone etc.

    We took it down as soon as possible.


    Now everyone who logs on (except a few of us) gets an error with a missions_e.pbo file in the addons folder and they get kicked back off.

    Anyone else experienced this?

    *Seems re-installing battleye fixed the problem for some people.

  3. I'm sure he knows he is boned and is likely frantically moving loot to another server...

    But I still want to see some televised incompetence...

    You can't just tell someone you saw some hot chick naked....you just can't get the full enjoyment out of it unless you see it for yourself. :) Bring on the vid!

  4. Best part about this post..... You are bitching about something the devs don't give two shits about. Guess what you got banned by someone who is putting money and effort into making a server run. Take your ban on the chin and stop QQing.

    Them putting money into it has nothing to do with it. They don't have the right to run the server however they see fit. Still have to follow the devs rules for running the server.

  5. Is there anything I can do?

    Without knowing time of day in game it is hard. I usually run with the sun to my back for about 15 minutes. Log out and back in. Usually puts me back in a forest.

    That doesn't work, try running towards the sun for 30 min then doing the same. :)

    Wish i could be more helpful.

    The other option is to just hit respawn and kill yourself.

  6. Are you guys even reading what you're typing?



    Seriously guys... Hours upon hours of work go into make the servers run properly and stable. Multiple reboots needs to occur. You should be thanking them for locking the server so you idiots didn't keep joining it only to come onto the forums and complain more. I spent over 8 hours in my server locked the other day and not one single person complained on the forums. I was testing settings and editting the config files. You guys really need to chill out and quit accusing people.

    Regards' date='




    I'm really getting sick of seeing these fucking threads.

    I agree, but in the case of this particular server, it looks like the guys posting in the other thread may have a point. And possibly proof too....curious to see the video myself.

  7. ichor: It is not a hardcore server. If the server is named properly' date=' you should see "CH:OFF" for no crosshairs and "3D:OFF" for no third person. Some also say hardcore. As for sidechat, _most_ servers do not have it any more

    tickle: It is disabled by default. We enjoy the sidechat aspect and are working to find out if we can enable it. And before a naysayer says "its a blacklistable offense" or some similar jargon, go look up your facts first. Editing the mission file will result in a blacklist, but Rocket has stated that while he doesn't want people using side chat as it's not intended to remain in the game, they are not blacklisting for side chat.

    Maniacle: The server name was given to us today and the server went "live" today as soon as we received the proper name. Not sure who hosted the original server with the same/similar name, but it definitely wasn't deadweight. But we did see ya in there. We have a vent and you're more than welcome to join us on there if interested or looking to replace your long lost home. P.M. me on here or find me in game


    Ugh...i just moved my L85 and some other cool items (all my NV stuff) to the old US83. I have 4 guys i play with regularly. Will have em come check out the new US83. Guess it is back to work finding new gear :). Haven't been able to locate any vehicles on your server yet, but i've only checked 3 towns. Will keep on looking though......

    CYA in game.

  8. There already was a US83 TX7 server...what happened to that one? Or is this a completely new server? Hosted by new group or same people as the other one?? Just trying to sort out my confusion because i had stuff stored on US83 till it went down earlier today.

  9. I don't even see this server anymore. It has disappeared same as LA 4 did. I wonder if both servers are gone or what is up with them. Those are the 2 servers my group kept some of our supplies on. Sucks...time to start collecting all over again. :(

    I do see a new US 83 now though that i never saw before. I don't think it is the same server though as the US83 TX7 one. Strange they are using a similar name though or maybe they changed hosts? Not sure.....

  10. Does anyone know what happened to the LA 4 server? It seems to have been down for 3 or 4 days now. Just curious if it is no longer going to be hosted or if there is a problem and it will be back.

