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Everything posted by thesneakyfatcat

  1. thesneakyfatcat


    IT'S HERE FOLKS Sorry I haven't been here in 11 months, life kind of gets in the way. Anyways, I updated some of the details of the shit/piss system v1.1. (You can check my other topics, if you'd like to see the revisions.) Changes are in bold text. The Piss System 1. When you spawn, your piss meter is at 5/10. 2. Your piss meter rises 1 every 10 minutes (automatically adds 1 for every beverage consumed). 3. Pissing resets your piss meter. 4. You can piss a distance of 5 meters. Females cannot do this. 5. Upon your piss meter getting to 9 , you move slightly slower and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to piss yourself. 6. Upon your piss meter reaching 10, you instinctively piss yourself. 7. Upon pissing yourself you make an audible groan that raises your hearing meter by 2 for 5 seconds. 8. Pissing will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 9. You can aim your piss, but you cannot move around while doing so. You cannot aim your piss as a female character. 10. If you are dehydrated, you piss blood and lose 300 each piss. Standard piss rates apply, except if you drink something; then your hydration meter gets reset to 0, your piss meter goes up by 1, and you no longer piss blood. 11. You can fill water bottles with piss and drink it (or prank your friends and piss in theirs!) but it only fills half of what a "normal" drink would on your hydration meter. 12. Drinking your own blood piss restores the blood you lost from it. 13. Drinking your friends blood piss kills you. 14. Having someone drink your blood piss counts as a murder. 15. Drinking piss gives you a 5% chance of getting a disease (10% if its another persons). Only 1% 10% of these diseases are lethal. 16. Pissing takes 15 seconds (30 if you're pissing blood). 17. Zombies may be deterred but are not harmed by your piss. Piss on them as a distraction. Piss on bandits if you want to too, I guess. 18. Female characters take twice as long to piss. The Shit System 1. Upon spawning you have a shit meter of 2/10 2. Shitting will reset your shit meter. 3. Shitting will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 4. Shitting is unique in the sense that the length of the shit depends on how much you ate/what you ate. It will take 5 seconds multiplied by your shit meter plus 10. Use the formula t=5s+10 to figure out how long your shit will be. See the attached graph if you don't understand 6th grade math. 5. Eating food will raise your shit meter by 1. If your shit meter is at 5 or above, it will rise 1 every 10 minutes. If it is below 5 it will rise 1 every 20 minutes. 6. Upon your shit meter reaching 10, you instinctively shit yourself. Shit takes 30 seconds to clean from your pants (10 if you have a full water bottle. The bottle gets emptied in the process) 7. Shit will despawn in 30 minutes. 8. If you shit when the meter at 8 or above you have a chance of constipation (5%). Constipation can now happen at any shit level. The chance is still 5% If you get constipated, the shit takes 2x as long as it usually would (see graph). If you're constipated you make painful groans that add 2 to your hearing meter in a short 0.5 second period every 5 seconds until you're done shitting. Divide your shit time by 5 to see how many groans you'll have. 9. If your meter is at 9 or above you move slightly slower as you clench your sphincter and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to shit your pants. 10. Shit attracts zombies in a 20 meter radius whether it's in your pants or on the ground or in your backpack/inventory and if you lure zombies to shit, they will stop and eat it for 10 seconds. Use this to your advantage! Only one zombie can eat the same piece of shit at a time. 11. Toilets will be added to the game and be littered around Chernarus. If you use a toilet, shitting takes 5 seconds half the time less than it usually does. This completely removes the constipation debuff and will encourage people to use toilets. 12. Toilet paper will be added to the game. If you don't wipe after a shit, you have a 5% 15% chance to get an ass infection. Only 1% of ass infections are lethal. Toilet paper has a chance to spawn anywhere but can be found mostly around other toilets or in residential loot areas. 13. Toilet paper will be stackable (up to 5). 14. You cannot reuse toilet paper. 15. Shit IS lethal. If you eat it, you WILL die. The entire server will get a message saying that "player x has eaten their own shit" or "player x has eaten player y's shit" in commemoration of your bravery. 16. If another player eats your shit, it counts as a murder on your part so be careful of where you shit (unless you're into that kind of thing, you kinky bastard) 17. The "take a shit" button will be PRESS and HOLD, meaning that you can spam the button to make small dots like morse code, leaving messages for people on roads or roofs of buildings. (You can thank forum poster "Fish" for this one.)18. You can add shit to your inventory. It will only take up 1 spot and WILL attract zombies (see 10).19. You can throw your shit like you can throw tin cans. Zombies are attracted to it. These can be used to make traps/block off entrances for other players. If you manage to throw your shit at another player, he will get covered in shit and will attract zombies in a 30 meter radius. (Similar to boomer bile/pipe bombs in L4D/L4D2.)20. The respawn button will be removed and you now must eat shit and die to respawn.21. It is a well known fact that girls do not shit. This is an upside to being a female, which will be balanced in another post detailing a "female only" menstruation system and the fact that they take twice as long to piss. 18. You can put shit in dead players' and dead zombies' inventories. This will allow the removal of the "Hide Body" because the zombies will eat the corpse after being attracted to it. 19. There will be an "Inspect Shit" option upon arriving at a piece of shit. Upon inspecting, the player will be greeted with: 1. Who took the shit. 2. When the shit was taken. And finally 3. How healthy the person is (what they've been eating, what they've been drinking, their blood level, etc...) SORRY GUYS, I don't think I will get around to making the female menstruation system due to reasons beyond my control. Thanks for reading, guys. I spent a lot of time on this
  2. thesneakyfatcat


    Maybe I could tone it down, just a bit -- but there's so many more features I have planned!
  3. thesneakyfatcat


    Just realized I labeled the axes on the graph backwards. Oops.
  4. thesneakyfatcat


    Yup. Shit will spawn flies but will play a different sound than the dead player flies.
  5. thesneakyfatcat


    Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions. I have no coding/scripting experience but I have endless ideas for this system. My goal as of now is to get a mod team and make this happen. Maybe in the future, this will be in the standalone. If anyone has coding or scripting knowledge, please shoot me a message and we can discuss.
  6. thesneakyfatcat


    It would make the game more immersive.
  7. thesneakyfatcat


    I just doodled this up in Paint. The piss meter will fill up yellow based on the piss level and the shit meter will fill up brown based on the shit level http://puu.sh/3v0WD.png
  8. thesneakyfatcat


    Sorry I didn't go too into the details on that one. It will only give you around 2500 blood. EDIT: You also won't have that many water bottles on hand anyways...
  9. thesneakyfatcat

    The Shit Sync System

    Alright, for those who haven't seen my earlier suggestion asking for a shit/piss system, I strongly suggest you read it before you read this post. http://dayzmod.com/f...iss-system-v11/ (A forum mod locked it, so any suggestions you'll just have to PM me.) Some may say that my shit/piss system is too simple. Some may say that this doesn't pack the immersion that the DayZ team so desperately strives for. But what could be more immersive than a mod like DayZ? One that has permadeath, unforgiving mechanics, and soulless bandits too? The answer is, to sync real life into DayZ. Hear me out, when this thought crossed my mind 2 weeks ago, I admit, I laughed at myself. But for those 2 long weeks, as I lay my head down at night, I found that I couldn't stop thinking about it. It really was a great idea! I just had to post it on the forums. I thought... what is one of the most immersive things in real life? One that could be brought into DayZ? I wondered.... Shitting! That was it! To sum it up, your real life shitting will be synced to your DayZ shitting. How? Why? You may be asking yourself. The reason is... Immersion So without further ado, here is what I thought up The Shit Sync System 1. All features of "The Shit System" apply here. (spare a few) 2. Every player of DayZ will be issued a standard, year supply box of beans. 3. Female players are exempt from this because they do not shit in real life and there is no point for them to shit in-game. (see #21 of "The Shit System" in "Shit/Piss System v1.1) 4. The players will eat at specific times (8:00 AM, 12:30 PM, and 6:00 PM) for 1 month. They cannot play DayZ at this time because this is when the syncing happens. 5. After 1 month, the DayZ Shit Syncer will know exactly when you'll shit, how long you'll shit for, what it looks like, and the weight of the shit. 6. The players will eat nothing but the beans. (This is critical for the syncing process.) 7. Players may drink but only water and only at the designated feeding times. (1 glass of water at each feeding time.) 8. Players will record when they shat, how long they shat for, the color/smell of the shit, and the weight of the shit in grams and put all the information into the DayZ Shit Syncer. (Patent pending) 9. Players will be required to take a picture of each shit so the program will know what it looks like and implement it into your DayZ gaming. 10. If you wipe your ass in real life, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll wipe your ass in DayZ. (You still need to collect toilet paper.) 11. Same for ass infections. These are part of the game, not real life. If you have an ass infection, please go see a doctor ASAP. 12. The shit meter levels serve as a warning as to when you'll need to shit. Prepare accordingly. 13. The DayZ Shit Syncer will know when you will be constipated. Do not worry if you become constipated, it is normal and part of the system. Final Note: I know that I am not a game designer, nor am I an expert on human anatomy. I don't even know if what I'm asking for will even be possible. But all I want is this to get implemented. Deep immersion is what DayZ needs. DayZ is my only friend. DayZ is a lot more than a friend. It is a lifestyle that I, among many others, follow. All my friends moved out and left for college. Hell, some of them even have kids, while I'm sitting here in my mom's basement, typing out my dream for a game I know will be amazing. But I know that DayZ will never leave me. It loves me for who I am and I know I'm rambling right now but I really have to get this out. I hope Rocket or another dev gets to read this as this is my only goal right now. I hope you know how amazing your game is. It stopped me from committing suicide. Thank you.
  10. thesneakyfatcat

    The Shit Sync System

    Alright, seeing as this isn't getting the best response, I will scrap this idea. Stay tuned for my next post detailing a "Menstruation System" for female players.
  11. thesneakyfatcat

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    ... My god...
  12. Or maybe make the hatchet a secondary. I hate when I'm sniping and have to switch to my shitty makarov to deal with all my aggros.
  13. thesneakyfatcat

    The Shit Sync System

    Yeah, I try my best to ignore haters. Thanks for understanding! :D
  14. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    To add a little bit of difficulty in surviving (it's quite easy once you find some food and a gun) I think there should be a poop/pee meter in the game alongside with the hydration and hunger system. See how these suggestions sound like to you. The Piss System 1. When you spawn, your piss meter is at 5/10. 2. Your piss meter rises 1 every 10 minutes (automatically adds 1 for every beverage consumed). 3. Pissing resets your piss meter. 4. You can piss a distance of 5 meters. 4. Upon your piss meter getting to 8 or above, you move slightly slower and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to piss yourself. 5. Upon your piss meter reaching 10, you instinctively piss yourself. 6. Upon pissing yourself you make an audible groan that raises your hearing meter by 2 for 5 seconds. 7. Pissing will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 8. You cannot move/look around while pissing. 9. If you are dehydrated, you piss blood and lose 300 each piss. Standard piss rates apply, except if you drink something; then your hydration meter gets reset to 0, your piss meter goes up by 1, and you no longer piss blood. 10. You can fill water bottles with piss and drink it (or prank your friends and piss in theirs!) but it only fills half of what a "normal" drink would on your hydration meter. 11. Drinking your own blood piss restores the blood you lost from it. 12. Drinking your friends blood piss kills you. 13. Having someone drink your blood piss counts as a murder. DO NOT PISS BLOOD IN WATER BOTTLES, DAMMIT. 14. Drinking piss gives you a 5% chance of getting a disease (10% if its another persons). Only 1% of these diseases are lethal. 15. Pissing takes 15 seconds (30 if you're pissing blood). 16. Zombies may be deterred but are not harmed by your piss. Piss on them as a distraction. Piss on bandits if you want to too, I guess. The Shit System 1. Upon spawning you have a shit meter of 2/10 2. Shitting will reset your shit meter. 3. Shitting will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 4. Shitting is unique in the sense that the length of the shit depends on how much you ate/what you ate. It will take 5 seconds multiplied by your shit meter plus 10. Use the formula t=5s+10 to figure out how long your shit will be. See the attached graph if you don't understand 6th grade math. 5. Eating food will raise your shit meter by 1. If your shit meter is at 5 or above, it will rise 1 every 10 minutes. If it is below 5 it will rise 1 every 20 minutes. 6. Upon your shit meter reaching 10, you instinctively shit yourself. Shit takes 30 seconds to clean from your pants (10 if you have a full water bottle. The bottle gets emptied in the process) 7. Shit will despawn in 30 minutes. 8. If you shit when the meter at 8 or above you have a chance of constipation (5%). If you get constipated, the shit takes 2x as long as it usually would (see graph). If you're constipated you make painful groans that add 2 to your hearing meter, every 5 seconds until you're done shitting. Divide your shit time by 5 to see how many groans you'll have. 9. If your meter is at 8 or above you move slightly slower as you clench your sphincter and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to shit your pants. 10. Shit attracts zombies in a 20 meter radius whether it's in your pants or on the ground and if you lure zombies to shit, they will stop and eat it for 10 seconds. Use this to your advantage! 11. Toilets will be added to the game and be littered around Chernarus. If you use a toilet, shitting takes 5 seconds less than it usually does. 12. Toilet paper will be added to the game. If you don't wipe after a shit, you have a 5% chance to get an ass infection. Only 1% of ass infections are lethal. 13. Toilet paper will be stackable (up to 5). 14. You cannot reuse toilet paper. 15. Shit IS lethal. If you eat it, you WILL die. The entire server will get a message saying that "player x has eaten their own shit" or "player x has eaten player y's shit" in commemoration of your bravery. 16. If another player eats your shit, it counts as a murder on your part so be careful of where you shit (unless you're into that kind of thing, you kinky bastard) Feedback is welcome.
  15. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I made an update. (Forum mod locked it, what a party pooper.) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63537-shitpiss-system-v11/
  16. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System v1.1

    When I first made my post titled, "Shit/Piss System" I never expected this kind of response. It really shows how friendly a community can be. After the critical acclaim of my post, and having many suggestions given to me, I have decided to give you all an update on how this is going. I cleared up some parts where you may have some misunderstandings. Here is the system with a few minor changes. The Piss System 1. When you spawn, your piss meter is at 5/10. 2. Your piss meter rises 1 every 10 minutes (automatically adds 1 for every beverage consumed). 3. Pissing resets your piss meter. 4. You can piss a distance of 5 meters. 5. Upon your piss meter getting to 8 9 or above, you move slightly slower and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to piss yourself. 6. Upon your piss meter reaching 10, you instinctively piss yourself. 7. Upon pissing yourself you make an audible groan that raises your hearing meter by 2 for 5 seconds. 8. Pissing will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 9. You cannot move/look around while pissing. You can aim your piss but cannot move around. You cannot aim your piss as a female character. 10. If you are dehydrated, you piss blood and lose 300 each piss. Standard piss rates apply, except if you drink something; then your hydration meter gets reset to 0, your piss meter goes up by 1, and you no longer piss blood. 11. You can fill water bottles with piss and drink it (or prank your friends and piss in theirs!) but it only fills half of what a "normal" drink would on your hydration meter. 12. Drinking your own blood piss restores the blood you lost from it. 13. Drinking your friends blood piss kills you. 14. Having someone drink your blood piss counts as a murder. DO NOT PISS BLOOD IN WATER BOTTLES, DAMMIT. 15. Drinking piss gives you a 5% chance of getting a disease (10% if its another persons). Only 1% of these diseases are lethal. 16. Pissing takes 15 seconds (30 if you're pissing blood). 17. Zombies may be deterred but are not harmed by your piss. Piss on them as a distraction. Piss on bandits if you want to too, I guess. 18. Female characters take twice as long to piss. (who knows why they spend so much time in the bathroom?) The Shit System 1. Upon spawning you have a shit meter of 2/10 2. Shitting will reset your shit meter. 3. Shitting will raise your sight and hearing meter by 1. 4. Shitting is unique in the sense that the length of the shit depends on how much you ate/what you ate. It will take 5 seconds multiplied by your shit meter plus 10. Use the formula t=5s+10 to figure out how long your shit will be. See the attached graph if you don't understand 6th grade math. 5. Eating food will raise your shit meter by 1. If your shit meter is at 5 or above, it will rise 1 every 10 minutes. If it is below 5 it will rise 1 every 20 minutes. 6. Upon your shit meter reaching 10, you instinctively shit yourself. Shit takes 30 seconds to clean from your pants (10 if you have a full water bottle. The bottle gets emptied in the process) 7. Shit will despawn in 30 minutes. 8. If you shit when the meter at 8 or above you have a chance of constipation (5%). If you get constipated, the shit takes 2x as long as it usually would (see graph). If you're constipated you make painful groans that add 2 to your hearing meter, every 5 seconds until you're done shitting. Divide your shit time by 5 to see how many groans you'll have. 9. If your meter is at 8 9 or above you move slightly slower as you clench your sphincter and have a chance (5% every 5 seconds) to shit your pants. 10. Shit attracts zombies in a 20 meter radius whether it's in your pants or on the ground or in your backpack/inventory and if you lure zombies to shit, they will stop and eat it for 10 seconds. Use this to your advantage! Only 1 zombie can eat the same piece of shit. 11. Toilets will be added to the game and be littered around Chernarus. If you use a toilet, shitting takes 5 seconds less than it usually does. 12. Toilet paper will be added to the game. If you don't wipe after a shit, you have a 5% chance to get an ass infection. Only 1% of ass infections are lethal. 13. Toilet paper will be stackable (up to 5). 14. You cannot reuse toilet paper. 15. Shit IS lethal. If you eat it, you WILL die. The entire server will get a message saying that "player x has eaten their own shit" or "player x has eaten player y's shit" in commemoration of your bravery. 16. If another player eats your shit, it counts as a murder on your part so be careful of where you shit (unless you're into that kind of thing, you kinky bastard) 17. The "take a shit" button will be PRESS and HOLD, meaning that you can spam the button to make small dots like morse code, leaving messages for people on roads or roofs of buildings. (You can thank forum poster "Fish" for this one.) 18. You can add shit to your inventory. It will only take up 1 spot and WILL attract zombies (see 10). 19. You can throw your shit like you can throw tin cans. Zombies are attracted to it. These can be used to make traps/block off entrances for other players. If you manage to throw your shit at another player, he will get covered in shit and will attract zombies in a 30 meter radius. (Similar to boomer bile/pipe bombs in L4D/L4D2.) 20. The respawn button will be removed and you now must eat shit and die to respawn. 21. It is a well known fact that girls do not shit. This is an upside to being a female, which will be balanced in another post detailing a "female only" menstruation system and the fact that they take twice as long to piss.
  17. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    That's for you to decide, my friend. That is, if Rocket has the common sense to implement this.
  18. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    I don't know if the new forum update deleted my shit graph but it doesn't show up for me. Here it is, just in case. -----------------------------------------------------------
  19. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    As an honorable gentleman and scholar, I can see where your anger comes from. But before plainly denouncing my threads, please read the entire thread. I never said that crapping in the woods was a "bad" thing, although other men or ladies may think so. That's why I added the options of toilets. We gotta keep it classy, you know. PS. What's a troll?
  20. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    Shamless self-bump.
  21. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

  22. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

    You may be onto something, there.
  23. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System

  24. thesneakyfatcat

    Shit/Piss System
