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About anders190

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  1. anders190

    I found a Radio

    Worth mentioning is the fact that Amnesty started the thread on May 3'rd and it could have been removed since then in any of the new updates, if it ever was there. I believe that there is something out there, or was in the earlier versions, but since no one seems to have found anything lately (and I haven't played DayZ in three weeks) there might be nothing left now. I do hope that something like this will appear in the game later, would be awesome!
  2. anders190

    Disable autosave (during alpha)

    You may have a point. The way I was thinking shouldn't give you any advantages though. If you get killed you die like you usally do. If you lose the connection you would just have lost all progress made. It would propably be abuseable as you say so just scratch it. Hopefully the save system has matured during the two last weeks, might be time for me to try the alpha again. A lot seems to have happened recently. =)
  3. anders190

    I found a Radio

    I was on my way for Grozovy Pass earlier this week but both a killed character (spawnkills ftw!) and issues with servers made me stop playing this game until the next patch is live. I have been checking out several deer stands before this and haven't either heard any wierd noices or seen any more body bags in them. I will continue my investigation as soon as I can run the game a bit more stable. I love seeing the posts made in this thread. =) Some kind of a hint on something we might want to investigate would be nice too, but I have the feeling that if there actually is something to be found, we will have to find it ourselves. CHKilroy would have asked what they want and what they know. ;)
  4. anders190

    Dead characters should rise as loot carrying zombies

    I like the idea even though it clashes with Rockets "not dead" comment. It would make it more interesting checking out zombies and even risk fighting larger hordes of them if you spot a zombie with let say an alice or big coyote backpack and a nice weapon. I have been thinking about something similar. Let's say that you should die from zombies. You will get an choice to spawn as a zombie near another player. You get a few minutes to kill another player in exchange for a chance to regain your pulse and try to get back to health. A life for a life and a strong survival instinct will get a slim chance from the powers-that-be to once again get up and survive for another battle. It doesn't really fit the game but I kind of like the idea.
  5. Hello! I have a suggestion for DayZ. It would be nice to have the option to disable autosave and instead force save when you are in cover. If you get shot you die like you usually do however. If you lose your connection while doing something and your last save was when you, for example, were moving over the landingstrip at an airfield you will instead spawn where you saved before disabling auto-save, out of harms way. Twice now I have gotten killed by getting disconnected from the server and when finally got back on a server I respawned on the landingstrip which means that you get insta-killed if someone is around. My problem isn't bandits or dying but the way the game saves and the fact that you have no control over it. Just an option to disable auto-save for a specified number of minutes would be nice as well. I don't think this would be necessary once the mod matures but in the mean time, it might help those of us that have issues with this. Anyone else having issues with this? It has become more of a issues after 1.5.7 for me but it did happen before as well.
  6. anders190

    How do you survive as a lone wolf?

    Learn to use the environment. Crouch-run and crawl depending on where you are and what is around you (always look at how much sound and visibility your are giving out). It's fully possible to raid the grocery stores in daylight without firing a single shot at the zombies, I have done it several times after 1.5.7 patch. It's a bit creepy (with all of the zombies around you) but it's at the same time really funny. You never now what could happen*. Play in daylight if possible, change to servers in another time zone if you can accept the ping (it doesn't matter much while lone wolfing and especially if you prefer to avoid other players). The Winchester with slugs is probably the weapon you will use the most. It's both powerful, relatively silent and the ammo can be found almost everywhere. 15 shots/mag is great as well. The Remington 870 has a flashlight (which is nice if you want to play in the dark) but fewer shots/mag instead. I haven't used it a lot but I get the feeling that it's both louder and that the ammo is harder to come by as well. If using the Winchester, you could easily use the flashlight in your side arm slot. You will probably find more slugs than you will be using on zombies anyway making ammo a non-issue. Food and water is easy to come by. Hunting wild animals and cook the meat with the knife/matches combo for both food and blood. Water from water pumps and lakes (don't swim in it though). Looting the stores should give you what you need otherwise. Carry smoke grenades to distract zombies if you get stuck, seems to work quite well. If you get swarmed, fight indoors. Always keep out for buildings you can retreat to if you get a horde after you. Your life will probably depend on it. If you need to engage anything, scout out the are before so you know where the runners will be coming from. * Earlier this evening I was looting the grocery store in Zelenogorsk. I made my way in, had looted most of it but attracted the attention of one of the zombies that opened the front doors and moved in. I quickly continued to loot the last piles when I see a crawling bandit behind me (I'm playing as survivor) and got a bit freaked out. He was friendly however and we started shooting of the zombies. We kept looting a while more and then started to sneak out (they had already respawned). And no, he didn't betray me either. =) TL,DR: Mostly what all the others said before. Have worked fine on my three latest lives which each lived for many hours.
  7. anders190

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    A nice addition to the game would be a "good" skin for doo-gooders. Might save a few lives if friendly units easier can understand that you really are friendly (to other survivors and non-hostile bandits atleast) and would propably help the peace-keeping effort. +10 000 for a "good" skin perhaps? Since I have yet to go below 2500 in humanity I haven't had the opportunity to actually see how easy it would be to gain humanity (through helping other players and killing bandits that is). I love the idea even though I get the feeling that the mods current state will make this hard at the moment. I would love to join a server, ask if there is any fellow peace-keeping players to join and help the new players (and others) out. I would actually like to join in some groups that's specialised on scavenging loot around the map and bringing it back to some kind of base. Take one or two cars and drive away to the NW airfield and loot, take the stuff back to base and supply the other players that have a bit greater need of good equipment while maintaining law and order in Cherno and Elektro for example. TL,DR: I love the idea and will look into this more as the development of this mod progresses.
  8. anders190

    Food and water being used offline

    If this feature(?) is intended, disable it until this mod has left its alpha status. It's hard enough to join servers and also staying online on these at the moment for the players to also have to worry about loss of food and water while being offline/having issues even getting into the game. I have no issues with how your food/water goes down while playing. With a knife and matches food will never be a problem. Water shouldn't be it either but I can't fill my water cans with water pumps. Have tried several but no, doesn't work for some reason. Regarding day/night, just join a server in another time zone and problem solved (except for ping perhaps). Some "local" servers that is running a different time might be a solution as well, unless this isn't allowed it should be something the different serverowners could do with some of their servers (and point out local time -6 hours or something in the header).
  9. anders190

    I found a Radio

    I actually found something interesting. Listen in the beginning of the video below. There is something that sounds like Morse signals. I haven't got a radio so no idea where it actually came from but I started hearing it when I was getting close to that deer stand. I had kept my eyes on it for a while, sneaking up to it and checking if someone was there and a few seconds before I started recording i started hearing those noises. There might have been some kind of transmission audible at 18:30 at that location (I arrived a few minutes after, check the clock at the end of the video) but that was, if so, the last of it. There was no sign of anyone transmitting sound either so it must have come from that area. This stand is the one east of Pustochka near that large yellow field. Its the town to the west, in the middle of the map. I also find it quite creepy that there is a used body bag in that deer stand. Nothing special with the loot except the body bag either. I had been looking for those painkillers for hours too. =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqUZeokrq0I&hd=1 Anyone seen(/hear?) anything like this before?