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Everything posted by brocksamson85

  1. I get the bright idea to search certain areas for camps. I felt like it would be more efficient than actually gathering equipment from crash sites and I never go to the North West Air Field. So I get home early from work a few days ago and start searching an area of the map that will remain nameless. Searching this area for around two hours I finally catch something out the corner of my eye. Strange, why is there a building in the middle of this forest?! Upon closer inspection it was an intact city bus! Not just one but two! Then I notice a little less than a dozen tents. Great! Just what I was looking for. I watch the camp for a minute or two to make sure nobody was rummaging around. I run up and find a treasure trove and absolutely no hacked items. NVGs, AS50, two Coyote Packs, etc etc etc. I gather what I can and make the insanely long run back to my camp. I store the items and give my friend a call and tell him of the find. So for the next few days we play, die, raid the camp a few more times. We never actually clear it out. Fast forward a couple days we make another trip to the camp. This time as a team to replace some items I lost after I got the glitch that spawns me on the coast with all of my items gone (nearly as frustrating as the graphics artifacts.) So previously I had scouted the camp and saw that the group had acquired a car. We had spent the day before gathering parts for a truck we found that disappeared after a server restart. So this was an amazing find. We start our usual camp looting and load our bags up. My buddy BobTheBuilder is wearing a ghillie suit and made mental note of that. I get done with the tent I am at and turn around. There is a guy standing there with an assault rifle in hand and not wearing a ghillie suit! I panic and yell to my friend over Skype "Someone is hear, I am shooting. Help!". Knowing full well that this is probably his group's camp site that I have been stealing from and the fact that everyone shoots first currently I decide that since I have the upper hand I will just unload into him. I tap semi auto fire into his chest as fast as possible and he falls. BobTheBuilder and I quickly loot his body and take off. We grab the car, fill it with supplies and drive it back to our camp. It is the GAZ so its very slow going until we actually hit pavement. We save it and decide to log on later that night to drive it around areas we know usually have crash sites (we do actually try to get our own gear from time to time). Well we log back on and the car is still at the camp site. Everything we put inside of it glitched away. Whatever, we have the car and some gas cans... we are ready to boogie. We hop in the car and drive around a bit hitting crash sites. We realize that the off road performance is garbage and we need to use the car while we have it in good shape to find another vehicle spawn that is more off road capable. So we drive down the far east coast and eventually find our way to the lighthouse between Electro and Cherno, Cap Golova. BobTheBuilder knows that just north is an ATV spawn and decides he will climb the steep mountain to go check it out. Knowing the GAZ had no chance of making the trip I suggest to him that I will park the car and sit in the lighthouse watching for new spawns and will hopefully thwart any attempt at stealing it. Time goes on and I see a new spawn. He is running right towards the light house... which is odd because its night out and he doesn't have NVGs... why would he run straight for a location that doesn't have any useful spawns? I climb down the tower. Well he runs right by me, and I can't remember if I said "friendly" but he runs right by and I tell me buddy I am just going to leave him be unless he looks like he is moving towards the GAZ. Well not even 15 seconds later I hear chopper noises. I look up in the sky and its coming right for me! I run for the jagged rocks near the car, they were closer than the light house itself. The sh*t hits the fan bullets start raining down around me, I try to return fire with my M249. I have never attempted to shoot at a heli before so I was doing a terrible job. I realize I am exposed and make a run for the lighthouse. By this time my buddy is on the mountain overlooking the lighthouse and spraying STANAG rounds at the circling heli. I get inside the bottom of the lighthouse and decide that I can engage from there. I play a game of sticking my head out to unload into the heli and running back in. Eventually the pilot levels out the chopper near the door and the gunner starts spraying into the entry way. I climb the ladder. I alternate from engaging from the top and bottom. I had close to 800 rounds so ammo isn't a problem, just accuracy and timing. I hear an explosion... the heli gunner blew up the GAZ! Well sometime during this intense fire fight I guess the chopper dropped off some pals to the ground. I get to the top of the lighthouse to make another attempt at lighting him up and what I guess was a DMR sniper taps a few rounds into me and I am dead. I don't really see where the fire comes from but I am down. I tell my buddy over Skype the news and he informs me that he put a half dozen STANAG clips in the direction of the chopper and its still flying. He then switches to observer mode because of his limited ammo. He watches as two to three guys (including the new spawn) run around the lighthouse. The chopper appears to be going into auto hover and landing so everyone can get in. During this time I spawned in and can SEE the lighthouse! Great spawn! Maybe I will get a lot of my loot back. I start running towards the lighthouse. Meanwhile the three guys waiting for the chopper to land have stopped moving. My buddy has ranged and sighted a target and pops a couple rounds into a guy. Its a hit! He doesn't go down but they all scatter and the chopper circles again. It seems that my buddy has been spotted on the mountain and makes a run for it North. I watch as the chopper swings back around and picks everyone up and heads what seems to be directly EAST and even a little SOUTH... odd. Well I get back to my body and it seems that most of my loot was taken by the new spawn. Rightfully so, they killed me and it was an incredibly fun gun fight. My buddy comes back down to the lighthouse and we discuss what just happened. We talk about how we are glad there is an active clan that seems legit and doesn't shy away from a fight. I tell him that I want my revenge though and we get to talking and I decide that I want to get my hands on their Heli! We talk and I tell him I saw it fly South East towards the water. I tell him I think that is really weird route to take and we pop open our map and see a large island, Skalisty Island. This MUST be where their base is and where they leave the chopper. We discuss how one would go about getting to the island. Do we find a boat? No, no time for that. I was a fresh spawn and had nothing to lose, so I elect to go swim there by myself. So It is pitch black, raining and I am about to get into the water for an extended period of time. I am resigned to the fact that I will probably get my character sick. Again, worth it to discover their hideout. I go North of the island and I swim. My temp meter flashes before I reach the island my blood starts going down. I get on the island. My gear seems to not have been lost. Great! With only the moonlight to guide me I am surprised at how large the island is. I see a large radio tower sticking out over trees and make my way towards there. A tent! This could be it. I open it up and its loaded. DMR, M-14, M107. I grab my favorite of the bunch, the M-14 and some DMR mags. I now feel safer. I continue through the forest and find two more tents! Inside are gas cans, windshields and a heli rotor! This is it! I now know where the keep the chopper. I check the server and everyone is offline. They had to have landed it at the island. I spend the next hour checking EVERYWHERE. No chopper. By this time BobTheBuilder has made his way over to the island with his NVGs and confirmed that we are out of luck. He also informs me that it seems someone left a marker message on the map. It is right above Cap Golova and says : "That is for stealing our car and killing our clan mate!". No way! The guy we killed in the camp was part of the clan that had the heli. We now had a new place to look for the heli, my guess is that they were using the island as a repair and refuel site. It was far to late so we call it a night. In the morning the search will begin for their chopper. I get up and call up BobTheBuilder. The search was to begin. We check a few places known to be good chopper hiding spots on the way back to their camp and have no luck. I am losing my patience but after being taunted with the marker message I really want to find this chopper. We get to the camp and its obvious that in these woods they couldn't land the heli safely. It also made sense that they would put it into another location just in case someone stumbled across this very easy to find camp site. I look at the map and find some good clearings and start stomping through the woods. I pick a direction and after about 15 minutes I come across a lone tent. I open it... sniper rifles... I give the coords to BobTheBuilder and he makes his way over, while relaying the coords I see that very close to me.. marked on my map is a Blue Chopper Symbol! I had found it! We rush to where the chopper symbol is and exactly where the marker showed was the chopper! We get excited and are in shock that we were able to actually find it. Not knowing actually how to fly the chopper I go to youtube and look up a tutorial. I get the basics and I have flown in original Arma so I was confident. BobTheBuilder on the other hand was not so confident. He elects to have me test fly it around and get used to it and once I safely landed it he would be happy to fly with me. So he runs away "just in case" I do something stupid and blow it up. I press 'Q' to start her up. I am waiting for it to start to life up when all of a sudden bullets start tearing through the windshield!!!!! I ask BobTheBuilder if he is shooting me, he says no. I ask him to identify where its coming from but he can't see ANYTHING because of the dust that is kicked up. I am hit. I don't remember that once I was hit and unconscious that I actually got out of the chopper or if the game kicked me out of it to die on the ground...but I wind up on the ground with the 15-20 second hourglass. I am losing blood fast. I can see my shooter in front of the chopper. I try to relay the information to BobTheBuilder but he still can't see anything, the chopper engine is still running and kicking up dust. It appears our attacker can't see either, he hasn't finished me off. I am losing blood rapidly and plunge to below 3k blood but I am about to regain consciousness. I start to get up. My attacker only 10 yards in front of me doesn't notice my movement. I switch to my recently acquired M249 and start shooting. I can't tell if I am hitting too low or high but I am definitely landing hits. He goes down and dies. I quickly bandage myself. I look at the debug info: "Bandits Killed: 1" The message at the bottom shows that it was one of the guys on the server from the night before. He must of spawned in right near the heli and attempted to stop me from leaving with their prized heli. Both BobTheBuilder and I recognize that more could be on the way and I run for the heli and make my first flight. Bob sticks around to kill any others that might spawn in or come in search of the heli. Nobody else shows up. It took no time at all to feel safe flying the heli and I pick up BobTheBuilder. We fly down to the coast, take some fire, fly around and raid a crash site. We have a great time and absolutely fall in love with it. We find a very safe location to hide it and call it a night. But, before we log off I leave a marker at Cap Golova right under their's (wording might be off a little bit, can't remember the exact quote right now): "I guess we don't need a car anymore! Thanks for the Heli!! Love Brock and Bob!". Looks like we have ourselves a nice rivalry. If you were one of the guys involved with this I would love to hear your side of the story and thanks again for the perfectly intact chopper we are having a blast with it!
  2. brocksamson85

    To clan on US 630: Thanks for the Chopper!

    I have no idea where the Heli is. I am actually running around trying to figure out where my stupid camp is with only a compass.
  3. brocksamson85

    To clan on US 630: Thanks for the Chopper!

    This is the IP: US 630 | HFBServers.com
  4. brocksamson85

    To clan on US 630: Thanks for the Chopper!

    Thanks a lot Fonix and thank you for hosting a great server. We found US 630 by chance. The server we were on put up a notice that they were shutting down and that we should move our camp. So we packed everything we could into our bags and hopped on over. There were also signs of hackers on the other server. We came across a tent with that AS50 variant with I guess heat signature scope. So we didn't want to have any part of that. The battle lasted a lot longer than it should have... There were countless close calls at the lighthouse. I think Bob did all if not most of the damage to the heli because I was having a hell of a time hitting you. You were circling at an inconsistent rate so it was difficult to judge when I could pop out and shoot. It was easily the most fun I have had in DayZ so far despite dying and losing my loot. Also thanks for the warning about the ammo... we are VERY low on it and will have to use it sparingly. I guess the only option is to blow it up and wait for a respawn? I clicked your link to US 630 stats and it looks like there are at least 15 people on. That doesn't seem bad at all considering the game is on, ha.
  5. brocksamson85

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Bluzz use the six launcher. Don't make things more difficult on yourself.
  6. brocksamson85

    Two People on Bike

    How do you get two people on a bicycle? The wiki says it seats two. Thanks!
  7. brocksamson85

    Two People on Bike

    IS there any way to repair the bike?
  8. brocksamson85

    stuck passed out

    Anyone find a solution to this yet? I have a buddy who is having the exact same problem. We have a solution. Epi Pen.
  9. brocksamson85

    Looking for group

    I am looking for a group. I am experienced in the latest iteration of the game that does not allow a gun. I have been able to successfully scavenge despite the increased difficulty. I understand the importance of sneaking. I am a 27/M and just looking for a group of experienced adult people ready to play right now. Please PM me or message here. Actually I just created a new skype account just for this please add me on skype: brock.samson7
  10. brocksamson85

    Looking for group

    There are two of us looking for a couple more. Don't go solo against the bandits! Add me to Skype brock.samson7 and you can join up with us. For those who posted before and I missed I sent skype invites out. We are still looking for more.
  11. brocksamson85

    Looking for group

    Yep yep great run. anyone who wants to join up feel free to just add me on skype. brock.samson7. I will be starting another run in 2 hr 7pm eastern time.
  12. brocksamson85

    Looking for group

    Looking for one more and we are going to play as group of 4 We are going to go ahead and play. add me on skype and you are more than welcome to join.
  13. brocksamson85

    Looking for group

    That makes two of us. anyone else interested in joining us right now?