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Posts posted by TylerSL92

  1. DayZ Name : tyler, Steam Account: paintbalplaya606 or FullmetalHeart (forgot if adding friends is based off their email or profile name so there is both)

    How long have you played DayZ :6 - 8 months, i had found out about it before the media took hold of it, which was when pistols were still given so ive been playing a good while :)

    Time Zone: Eastern, US... Virginia to be exact

    Will you stay loyal to our group?: Who wouldnt? I love finding a group of people who are passionate about something and sharing my interesting with them. I prefer a fun night with a group of people in teamspeak over alot of things, so YES i would be loyal

    []What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can play all around, admittedly i dont usually like to take lead or have control of a situation. I like to follow the lead and go with the flow! you could say im afraid if i make a mistake as a leader its the leaders fault and i dont like to let people down.
