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About sandman13

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    On the Coast

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  1. sandman13

    I can't play the game

    Would that reset my characters or are they tied to my steam account? I will try that if I know for sure I won't be restarting both my hardcore and normal characters as I've collected a lot of gear.
  2. sandman13

    I can't play the game

    Alright so I've been able to connect and play no problem for 10+ hours but now I can't at all. Whenever I try to join a server I get in and within 5 seconds I get yellow chain, 5 more red chain and no message received for 10 seconds counting up forever. Doesn't matter what server I play on, hardcore or normal, lots of players or no players at all. I literally can't play the game. This had never happened until yesterday and I thought maybe it's a anti-server hopping thing (even though I only joined like 2 servers within 2 or 3 minutes). Woke up today and I try again with no luck. Can't play on any servers. They all show up fine, my ping is fine, but I can't play. It's really annoying. Does anyone have any experience with this and know how to solve this problem?
  3. So does anyone know a way to fix this? It's rather annoying that I can't play at night. Anyone figure out a way to fix it or work around it (besides the obvious play on a day server)?